Dear readers! We present to your attention the final issue of the LOGISTICS journal in 2024. We have tried to make it rich and interesting. Today, many Russian companies operate under strict sanctions restrictions, which force them to reorient logistics flows. One of the possible solutions to this problem may be the Russia – Mongolia – China economic corridor. Details can be found in the article by Alexandra Kazunina.
Dear readers! We present to your attention the 11th issue of the LOGISTICS magazine, where you will find relevant materials and articles. And again, the focus is on international cooperation. An important event in this area was the International Trade Day 2024 Forum, held on November 7, 2024 in Moscow.
Dear readers! The tenth issue of LOGISTICS journal opens with a large article dedicated to the results of the BRICS Business Forum, held on October 18, 2024 in Moscow. Yulia Kislova, Director of Agency Market Guide LLC and publisher of LOGISTICS journal, attended the event and prepared an article where she paid special attention to international trade and logistical connectivity of the countries of the association. The details are in the room.
Annotation. One of approaches to stabilization and reduction of prices of food products based on formation of system effect in a chain «producer – logistics – a counter – the buyer» due to creation of the state segment in retail chain stores for formation of the healthy competition of small, average and large domestic manufacturers of food and application of noncommercial approach to creation of means of the integrated information and logistic support and automatic identification is presented.
Key words. Deliveries of food, logistics, system effect non-profit organizations, the integrated information and logistic support, a stroke coding, radio-frequency automatic identification.
Annotation. This article is devoted to the research of master data management in warehouse logistic and in WMS management. The chosen topic is relevant, because during the analysis of various sources were found the issues that require detailed study. In this paper compares the different types and styles of implementing master data management (MDM) to a warehouse management system (WMS).
Key words. WMS, MDM, warehouse management system, warehouse logistics, master data management.
Annotation. The article considers the current state of terminal and warehouse complexes in the context of ensuring the military and economic security of the CSTO. The analysis of the main infrastructure, organizational and technological problems of the CSTO terminal and warehouse complexes system is presented. In the context of the analysis, several options for organizing logistics support for the CSTO troops were proposed. According to the authors of the article, in order to create a new system of CSTO terminal and warehouse complexes, it is necessary to solve the problem of rational placement of new warehouse complexes. Its solution requires appropriate scientific and methodological justification.
Key words. Terminal and warehouse complex, security, infrastructure, logistics, system, base, logistics.
Annotation. The expediency and effi ciency of the introduction of mobile block sections and virtual couplings, which allow to optimize the interval regulation of train traffic, reduce inter-train intervals, reduce the cost of electricity for traction, as well as the cost of infrastructure maintenance, are shown. The economic aspects of the introduction of these innovations are revealed.
Key words. Infrastructure, block-section, auto-blocking, train, traffi c light, railway, track, cargo fl ow, locomotive.
Annotation. The article discusses the main approaches and the sequence of actions in the decomposition of the structure and functions of the logistics system of a manufacturing enterprise. The features of the logistics problems of the enterprise and the proposed ways of their solution using the principles of logistics are determined.
Key words. Logistic system, analysis, synthesis, logistic function, logistic operation.
Annotation. The article describes the history of the formation, formation and development of the scientifi c and pedagogical school of polytransport logistics. The article deals with the scientifi c and pedagogical activity of Professor P.V. Kurenkov of RUT-MIIT. The review of the main stages of formation and development of the scientifi c school headed by him is given. A brief description of the research carried out by representatives of this school is given.
Key words. Scientifi c and pedagogical school, logistics, modality, polytransport systems, multimodal transport, research activities.