Dear readers! First of all, we would like to welcome all participants of the grand industry event – the CeMAT RUSSIA exhibition, which will be held from September 17 to 19, 2024, in Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC, Pavilion 1. LOGISTICS magazine will be presented at the event, we invite you to our stand C309, where you can get acquainted with the latest issue of the magazine and find out the terms of cooperation with the editorial office.
Dear readers! We present to your attention the seventh issue of Logistics for 2024. In the latest issue, we continue the topic of digitalization of logistics. Thus, P.A. Zabolotneva in her article examines the main trends in the digitalization of logistics activities and presents supply chain management tools. In addition, the author identifies five digital technologies that will become drivers of the industry's development. D.V.
Dear readers! We present to your attention the sixth issue of Logistics for 2024. On its pages, we summarize the results of the international exhibition of logistics, transport, warehouse equipment and Logistika Expo, which became the main premiere of this year. Our editorial staff took part in the event, as a result of which they made useful acquaintances and found new readers. In the latest issue, we continue the topic of automation and robotization in the industry.
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Рекламные и информативные статьи.
Статья считается рекламно-информативной, если она имеет хотя бы одну из следующих характеристик:
- упоминание торговой марки одной компании, подчеркивание преимуществ определенной торговой марки;
- указание контактной информации;
- описание деятельности конкретной компании.
Стоимость размещения рекламно-информационных статей с иллюстрациями составляет 490 евро за одну страницу.
рекламы под заголовком «Важные контакты» Реклама под заголовком «Важные контакты» предполагает размещение логотипа и краткой информации о компании (до 60 слов).
Стоимость годового размещения - 390 евро.
Изготовление оригинального макета необходимого формата составляет 10% от стоимости рекламного модуля.
Помощь осуществляется по телефону отдела рекламы: +7 (495) 788-16-96.
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1. The article submitted by the author to the journal must meet its thematic profile and be original in content. In other words, the article should not repeat already known information published in domestic or foreign press. The article can give the analysis of the materials published, but completely new information should be the basis of the content.
2. The article should be supplemented with a foreword (given below the tile), where the essence of the publication, revealing the title and the novelty of the author’s approaches is identified in brief (no more than 300 characters.
3. It is desirable that the volume of the article be of no more than 8 thousand printed characters and have no more than 2 illustrations.
4. The author of scientific articles should avoid using formulas and verbal describing the relationships obtained or being used, if it’s possible.
№ of the journal issue | Release date | Date of materials submission |
№1/2018 | 31.01.2018 | 11.01.2018 |
№2/2018 | 28.02.2018 | 10.02.2018 |
№3/2018 | 26.03.2018 | 10.03.2018 |
№4/2018 | 16-25.04.2018 | 1-11.04.2018 |
№5/2018 | 28.05.2018 | 11.05.2018 |
№6/2018 | 26.06.2018 | 12.06.2018 |
№7/2018 | 25.07.2018 | 11.07.2018 |
№8/2018 | 28.08.2018 | 14.08.2018 |
№9/2018 | 17.09.2018 | 03.09.2018 |
№10/2018 | 25.10.2018 | 11.10.2018 |
№11/2018 | 26.11.2018 | 10.11.2018 |
№12/2018 | 25.12.2018 | 11.12.2018 |
RUSSIAN LOGISTICS JOURNAL 2018 | 13.03.2018 | 28.02.2018 |
During the year additions and changes are possible
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Phone.: +7 (495) 788-16-96
Contact person: Anna Efimova
125581, Moscow, Leningradskiy prospect, 63, floor 6, office 1