Dear readers! We present to your attention the third issue of the LOGISTICS journal for 2025. Our editorial staff, like all our colleagues, is preparing for the TransRussia 2025 exhibition, the largest event in the industry. In this issue, we have prepared an interview with Natalia Lomunova, Director of TransRussia, with whom we are talking about a flexible approach, new participants and digital services. We continue the series of articles from P.V.
Dear readers! We present to your attention the first issue of the LOGISTICS journal in 2025. First of all, we would like to draw readers' attention to our new partner R1 Development, a development company that creates a new generation environment and specializes in the construction of industrial, logistics, commercial and residential real estate. One of the projects of R1 Development is the Druzhba industrial park network.
Dear readers! We present to your attention the final issue of the LOGISTICS journal in 2024. We have tried to make it rich and interesting. Today, many Russian companies operate under strict sanctions restrictions, which force them to reorient logistics flows. One of the possible solutions to this problem may be the Russia – Mongolia – China economic corridor. Details can be found in the article by Alexandra Kazunina.
Annotation. In article has been considered the problems of digital transformation of logistic processes and the possibility of optimizing the work of logistic company employees through the using of an online platform Gruza.Net for automatization of logistic operations and its integration with forwarders and carriers on the example of the LTL Department of the company Vesta.
Key words. Digital technology, pooling, Gruza.Net, logistic processes automatization, digital transformation of logistic processes.
Annotation. This article identifies the digitalization tasks and the factors that influence the speed of logistics digitalization. The main innovative technologies used in logistics are highlighted. An algorithm for designing a new process that precedes digitalization is described. The necessity of interaction between the state and companies to achieve the goal of digitalization of the economy is emphasized.
Key words. Digitization, digitalization, digital transformation, big data, blockchain, cloud computing, Internet of things, robotic process automation, unmanned vehicles, artificial intelligence, virtual reality.
Annotation. The article raised the problems of diagnosing failures in the work of transport companies. The authors propose a methodology for balancing managerial processes, based on a clear structure of the identified failures and the subsequent determination of the extent of the problems. The logical chaining method is also used, which helps to establish the source of the failure group, eliminating which, in one go, the entire group of errors is corrected.
Key words. Transport company, management processes, classification of failures, method of logical chains.
Annotation. The authors show the need to develop the transport and communication potential of water transport in the southern region of the Russian Federation and the Krasnodar Territory, more than half of the administrative border of which is the coastline of the Azov-Black Sea basin. Attention is drawn to the lack of coordination of structures at various levels in the organization of transport management and the inevitability of increasing the share of water transport in multimodal transport of goods. They justify the relevance and effectiveness of the organization of feeder transport by water, ensuring the efficiency of cargo transportation in the region and the multiplier effect aimed at the implementation of the national project «Safe and high-quality roads».
Key words. Multiplier effect, feeder transport, harmful emissions, recreational area.
Аnnotation. In the context of the Sino-Russian joint construction of the Silk Road Arctic Belt, China should consider the successful promotion of the Yamal LNG project as a breakthrough, strengthen strategic mutual trust and interaction with Russia, and deepen cooperation in the field of Arctic energy.
Key words. Yamal LNG project, Sino-Russian energy cooperation, «The Arctic belt of the Silk Road», Arctic energy development.
Annotation. The key features of the formation of the world cut flowers market, commodity and geographical structure of their exports and imports are considered. The importance of the logistics services sector in the development of the flower industry is admitted. Due to the delicacy of industry products, special attention is paid to the analysis of its packaging, storage, transportation, as well as to the main actors and established sales channels.
Key words. World cut flowers market, market analysis, air cargo, perishable goods, geography of cut flower flow.
Annotation. The article is devoted to the processes of organization of preliminary information of customs authorities at the international aviation checkpoint located at the international airport.
Key words. Digitalization, air cargo, it-communication, preliminary information, electronic declaring.