Dear readers! We present to your attention the first issue of the LOGISTICS journal in 2025. First of all, we would like to draw readers' attention to our new partner R1 Development, a development company that creates a new generation environment and specializes in the construction of industrial, logistics, commercial and residential real estate. One of the projects of R1 Development is the Druzhba industrial park network.
Dear readers! We present to your attention the final issue of the LOGISTICS journal in 2024. We have tried to make it rich and interesting. Today, many Russian companies operate under strict sanctions restrictions, which force them to reorient logistics flows. One of the possible solutions to this problem may be the Russia – Mongolia – China economic corridor. Details can be found in the article by Alexandra Kazunina.
Dear readers! We present to your attention the 11th issue of the LOGISTICS magazine, where you will find relevant materials and articles. And again, the focus is on international cooperation. An important event in this area was the International Trade Day 2024 Forum, held on November 7, 2024 in Moscow.
Supplier relationship management (SRM) is one of the ways to increase the profitability of the company. The meaning of the SRM concept as well as the existing methods of its application in the business practice is determined in the first part of the article.
Key words. Supplier relationship management, level of logistics service, methods of SRM application, logistics of procurement, segmentation of suppliers.
The article deals with the logistics as management technology in trade and industrial networking cooperation in a climate of formation of a new model of economic growth. The author analyzes the barriers to the development of logistics in trade and industrial cooperation between Russia and China. It was concluded about the insufficient development of logistics as a management technology that provides a synergistic effect on the basis of the Russian-Chinese trade and industrial cooperation. The author proposes mechanisms for transition to a new economic growth model based on a networking cooperation and strategic partnership in the field of logistics.
Key words. Logistics, networking, business process, logistics platform, trade and industrial cooperation, strategic partnership, economic growth.
The logistics system is a multi-dimensional object, for optimal management who need to use formal methods. The formal language for the mathematical description of the system is proposed. Language allows you to use standard methods of control theory for finding solutions of administrative problems.
Key words. Logistics system, the formal language of logistics, logistics management.
The article deals with oncoming New Industrial Revolution influence on logistics’ nature. The components of New Industrial Revolution such as Internet of Things and additive manufacturing are revisited. Basic ways for logistic transformation under the New Industrial Revolution are considered on the base of modern changes in the supply chains management.
Key words. Neoindustrialization (New Industrial Revolution), supply chains management, Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, additive manufacturing.
Cross-functional barriers are the cause of reducing the handling of industrial corporations / enterprises. They reduce the competitiveness of the Russian economy as a whole. Cross-functional logistics coordination is an important element in improving the quality of governance. Holistic approach to the formation of coordination models is caused by the changes in the organizational architecture, business process reengineering, creation of modern information systems, motivation and development of staff.
Key words. Cross-functional barriers, logistics coordination, flow of commodities and materials, key performance indicators, business process reengineering, Boyd cycle, DMAIC cycle, continuous improvement, multi-agent logistics, holistic approach.