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Дорогие читатели! Представляем вашему вниманию 11-й номер журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА», где вы найдете актуальные материалы и статьи.
28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
Dear readers! Modern logistics seeks to optimize costs and increase business processes. Every year this trend is gaining momentum, and companies are in constant search of really working tools for effective logistics management. Traditionally, a lot of optimization solutions are offered by CeMAT RUSSIA - the 2019, this time the exhibition showed a truly comprehensive look at intralogistics. A great example of rationalization of logistics processes is demonstrated by DPD, which has opened a new high-tech hub in Iksha. The warehouse complex is equipped with a vertical Interroll sorter, which is unique for the Russian market, it giving the opportunity to pass peak loads easily.
KNAPP company contributes greatly to the optimization of the warehouse. The system of swarm intelligence of freely moving shuttles from Open Shuttle organizes correctly the workload of the entire warehouse due to the intelligent adaptive distribution of tasks (details in the issue).
Dmitry Filatov, Director of business development at InStock Technologies, shares his experience of replacing WMS systems from various suppliers and gives reasons for enterprises to seek more modern solutions.
In their article Pavel Popov and Olga Tsekhan, our authors, offer a model to form the warehouse infrastructure. It gives the opportunity to arrange the network of distribution and sorting warehouses in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation in the optimum way, taking into account the probabilistic demand for goods.
Irina Rachkovskaya raises the problem of logistic processes of quality systems. Our journal discussed repeatedly the issues of the importance and necessity of implementation of logistic processes of quality systems. This time we are discussing a number of issues related to the ambiguity of quality management approaches and trying to clarify some issues that arise when implementing quality systems.
Dear readers! We look forward to having interesting topics and suggestions from you. To stay in touch, join our group in the FB: www.facebook.com/logisticsjournal
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