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Protek Group’s leaders hit Russia’s 2018 top 1000 managers ranking, reports Kommersant in its annual rating published on October 1.
Protek’s winners include Protek Group’s President Vadim Muzyaev, CV Protek’s CEO Dmitry Pogrebinsky (both Pharma), the pharmacy network Rigla’s CEO Aleksander Filippov (Commerce), CV Protek’s CСO Boris Popov and Rigla’s CFO Sergey Stupak.
The nominees are shortlisted by the Association of Managers in consultation with Kommersant Publishing House. Once selected, the candidates then get approved by the members of the TOP 1000 Award Academy (150+ participants).
Previous years winners and current nominees both act as experts.
In order to be included in the final list, a candidate must receive more than 25% of votes from the Award Academy’s members or more than 25% references from the experts.
“Protek Group’s senior officers were once again, this time for their achievements in 2018, included into Russia’s best top managers rating, and this is a testament to their great leading skills since the winners are chosen by high-profile experts. Of course, Protek’s management completely supports career and professional ambitions of its staff. Our company can become no. 1 in its market segment only when it has business leaders in its team,” noted Protek Group’s President Vadim Muzyaev.