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Дорогие читатели! Представляем вашему вниманию 11-й номер журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА», где вы найдете актуальные материалы и статьи.
The recovery of the economic situation in Russia had become obvious by April, many companies are moving away from the preserving strategy to business development. Along with production, the flow of goods is growing, the number of orders is increasing, financial indicators of the companies are getting better, though slowly. Against this background, the “LOGISTICS” journal presents the issue dedicated to new technologies in logistics.
View of the future economy is presented in the articles by Mikhail Kovalev "The impact of neoindustry on business processes in supply chains", Tatyana Rodkina and Ekaterina Komarova "Integration system of international logistics supply chains of the future: problems and solutions". The authors analyze the directions of postindustrial society development and the changes in international supply chains expected in this regard.
Readers will get interested in the article by Evgeny Dubrovin and Igor Dubrovin "Experience and prospects to use airships for the benefit of logistics bodies", which describes the experience to use airships for the material and technical supply of troops in Kaiser Germany during the World War I and in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, possible directions to use this mode of transport on a new technological level are predicted.
In his article "Lean Logistics" Yuri Adler, using the example of Japan, analyzes the factors that complicate the solution of logistics tasks, explains what lean production contributes to logistics, who lean logistics relies on, whether there is a place for stock in lean logistics.
Three papers are devoted to the development of new logistics routes. In the article by Anna Sinitsyna, Sergey Delza and Co Ko Lwin "From Russia to China through Iran and Myanmar", the possibilities to integrate the Republic of the Union of Myanmar into the promotion of cargo flows on the Russia-Iran-Myanmar-China route are considered. Suren Chibukhchyan, in his turn, in the article " New transit opportunities between the East and the West " deals with the problems of the transit possibilities development of the countries, as well as the freight traffic between the East countries and Europe. Finally, in their article "Transportation of Russian natural gas: analysis of major trends and development prospects" Irina Pustokhina and Denis Pustokhin analyze changes in the Russian gas transportation routes with the gradual development of CNG production projects.
Professionals will find much useful information concerning the optimization of logistics processes in the articles "Quality warehouse for 90 days ", "How to transfer a whole warehouse to the Solvo.WMS system with all speed".
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