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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
ACEX was among the first five forwarders having booked the cargo on the resumed flight of Thai Airways.
Thai Airways returned on the Russian market in the end of 2016 and resumed direct flights on the route Moscow-Bangkok-Moscow on the aircraft B777 - 4 times a week.
Earlier in 2015 air communication stopped. From the report of Thai Airways International as of February 3, 2015: “Despite continuing interest in vacationing in Southeast Asia, which remains stable in Russia, Thai Airways made a decision to suspend its activity on the territory of the Russian Federation until the economic situation in Russia improves and demand for international flights is regained.”
Cathay Pacific also left the Russian market that year.
In the end of 2016 the situation stabilized as evidenced by resumption of flights by Thai Airways.
GSA (General Sales Agent) of the returned on the Russian market airline is the company AirCargoPro which informed ACEX about rates and a pleasant surprise for the first five agents – a colorful calendar of Thai Airways for 2017.
“The airline offers interesting direction, so this option is useful for us and for our clients, - comments Julia Zaichikova, the head of Airfreight Department. – We sent 4 pallets for our client in the end of December and got a prize from the airline. Now this calendar is hanging in our office and gladdens the eyes with its bright colors.”