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Logistics alliance ACEX widens Russian and Chinese partnership in terms of assistance for trade of technical and innovation products.
The Russian and Chinese Chamber on assistance for trade of technical and innovation products was established in 2007 upon initiative of the Presidents of Russia and China. It is an industry organization combining over 10 thousand powerful state enterprises of the industry, as well as competitive companies of small and medium business of China.
The Chamber is implementing real projects in the areas of non-oil exports, transfer of technology and investment cooperation. The Chamber aims to develop bilateral trade and economic cooperation in such areas as aircraft engineering and astronautics, power engineering, high and new technology, shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, telecommunications, automobile construction, electronics, construction industry, robotics technology. The following questions are discussed within the framework of the Chamber: investment projects, scientific and industrial cooperation, joint development of new products. New perspectives are open for the members of the Russian logistics Alliance in the new geopolitical and economic conditions of cooperation with Chinese partners.
“Participation in the Chamber will enable the Alliance partners to obtain offers for logistics maintenance of projects realized by the Chamber within the framework of the Russian and Chinese trade and economic cooperation in the area of non-oil export and import of goods,” – comments Miroslav Zolotarev, the chairman of ACEX alliance.
Entry of ACEX into the Russian-Chinese Chamber on assistance for trade of technical and innovation products fully conforms to the development concept of the alliance for 2017, namely to close positions of the Alliance on the market as “single point of contact” of operational cooperation between trading, industrial and logistics companies, as well as forwarding companies engaged in the international supply chains of goods.