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CARGO-EXPRESS, Moscow, and MIG Express, the USA, accomplished the project on transportation of the Russian 3D attraction.
IAAPA Attractions Expo 2016 (an international exhibition-conference of the entertainment industry) took place in Orlando (Florida, the USA) on November 12.
CARGO EXPRESS organized delivery of the Russian attraction with the 3D screen and augmented reality glasses which were presented to the public.
The delivery was ordered by the company engaged in realization of projects of 3D/4D/5D cinema halls and simulators of virtual reality.
The transportation was implemented by the experts of multimodal and airfreight departments. Sergey Gotsak, the senior expert of multimodal department, organized customs procedures in Lobnya, after that the cargo was dispatched from Sheremetyevo to the USA where it was met by MIG Express, the American member of ACEX Alliance. The company experts arranged import procedures and then dispatched the cargo to the recipient in Miami.
Mikhail Gavrilin, the expert of airfreight department, informed about details of the delivery: “The client ordered cargo delivery to the USA strictly by November 12. The exhibition started on November 15 and the attraction had to be assembled by this time.Initially, there was enough time for preparation – almost three weeks. However the client could not take decision about dispatch until the last moment and the documents were ready only on November 3 in the middle of the day. The experts in Lobnya carried out export procedures within several hours and the cargo was delivered to the airport on November 7. But the cargo was packed wrongly and the terminal did not accept it. Moreover, the flights to Miami are executed only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. In case the cargo was not dispatched on Tuesday, November 8, it would not have arrived in time.”
Thanks to efficient work of customs department and ACEX delivery the cargo was quickly repacked, processed and dispatched by the direct Aeroflot flight to Miami.
MIG Express carried out customs procedures on-site and delivered the cargo to the client on November 10.