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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
Vladivostok Branch of Joint Stock Company Freight One (Freight One) has won a tender to transport 100% railway cargos of LLC RN-Vostoknefteprodukt (subsidiary of Rosneft oil and gas corporation) in 2017. Over the year, as a part of the service contract signed, Freight One plans to ship 46 thou tons of oil products.
Goods are to be carried in Freight One’s own tank cars within Sakhalin Island between the company’s production sites – from Korsakov station to Nogliki station of the Far Eastern Railway (DVO).
The first shipment under the new contract was dispatched January 2, 2017. To date the Branch has carried about 3 thou tons of gasoline and diesel fuel.
“Winning the refinery’s tender proves our high service level, competence of Branch commercial center experts, and railcar asset operation efficiency. We are ready to provide guaranteed export of oil goods and compliance with all tender conditions,” said Victor Osipov, Branch Director.
Freight One carries over 25% of Rosneft total cargo traffic under a five-year service contract signed in February 2016.