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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
Following global international tendencies Russian logistics alliance ACEX expands the international trade geography.
Mr. Tran Huy Hien, President of DACO Logistics, made the decision about the Agency agreement signing after visiting the international conference Eurasia Cargo Meet in Moscow where he had an opportunity to talk to the head of ACEX Alliance Miroslav Zolotarev and had negotiations with companies from Russian regions – alliance members.
“Taking into consideration the fact that The Vietnam-Eurasian Economic Union Free Trade Agreement will take effect in Autumn 2016, which features Vietnam, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan, I believe that the trade between Vietnam and these countries will increase in near future”, - comments Mr. Tran Huy Hien. “Becoming a member of ACEX we hope to receive more and more support from ACEX members so we could develop more business together”, resumes President of DACO Logistics.
Founded in 2007, DACO Logistics was joined by many experts with long experience from many leading logistics companies in Vietnam. Among the services provided by the company are:
• Seafreight
• Airfreight
• Customs brokerage
• Container trucking
• Transport of bulk cargo
• Liquid/flexitank handling
• Warehousing
• Project handling
• Multimodal transportation
DACO Logistics has license to clear customs on behalf of the owner’s name, declaring and implementing of customs declaration, tax payment, delivery and transportation of imported goods.
ACEX being the Russian logistics alliance unites members from different Russian regions. Still the international partners are very welcome as the members of the organization. Companies from China, Taiwan, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and USA already proved their reliability in joint projects. The new member that entered alliance in August is the representative of Vietnam – DACO Logistics.