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3PL-provider is successfully implementing a major project with French retailer Auchan Holding
In 2016, the companies have completed the star-up of e-commerce activity, which was starting end of 2015. At present, FM Logistic operates a warehouse of 7,000 sq. m performing goods reception, handling, picking and loading of orders. The work is ongoing for almost all products from the retailer’s commodities range, excluding food (from children’s toys to furniture- 13,000 articles in total). In 2016, it is planned to expand the list of handled goods by adding pet food and tableware.
At the moment, there are 220 orders per day, to be increased up to 400 orders in perspective.
“E-commerce is one of the markets showing the fastest growth. Therefore, it is very important to be prompt and adaptive to offer optimized and competitive logistics solutions FM Logistic is already running several major e-commerce projects, and the cooperation with Auchan Holding implies the next step towards strengthening our positions in this sector”, says Christophe Menivard, General director at FM Logistic in Russia.