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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
Moscow, 27 January 2016, - According to CBRE’s latest office market report, take-up (new lease and sale deals) amounted to 870,400 sq m (18% higher than in 2014). This has set the trend for 2016.
Major characteristics of the city’s office market in 2015:
A significant share of the total take-up involved state institutions and companies with government involvement, for example, Moscow Government subsidiaries in OKO, Moscow Region Government structures in Orbita, Transneft in Evolution.
There are 0.6 mln sq m of office projects announced for delivery in 2016, of which 0.32 mln sq m is Class A offices, and 0.28 mln sq m is Class B. Over 30% of the announced volume is expected for commissioning in Moscow-City: IQ-quarter and the Federation Tower East, and the volumes of new delivery will return to the level of 2012.
According to CBRE’s forecast, in 2016 the volume of transactions is expected to remain at the level of 2015, 0.8 mln sq m.
The vacancy rate is expected to stabilise at the level of 16–17% overall, 24–25% in the class A segment, 13–14% in the class B segment.
The main trend of 2015 was the final transition of lease rates to Roubles. The only submarket where landlords still continue to offer the premises in rents, denominated in Dollars, is Prime Class A segment ($800–900 per sq m per year net of OpEx and VAT).
According to our forecast, rental rates denominated in Rubles will at least remain stable during 2016.
Elena Denisova, Director of Office Agency, CBRE in Russia commented:
“Despite decrease in the volume of new office construction and rental decrease, Moscow office market observed positive changes: demand remained active and take-up exceeded the 2014 results.
In 2016 among the major trends the conclusion of large new lease transactions cannot be excluded, including continuing demand from state institutions and state owned companies.
We expect that 2016 will be the last period when the current market opportunities can be secured.
It is also anticipated that extension and renegotiation deals will not be executed on such large volume in 2016.
Lease rates denominated in Roubles appear to reach bottom in 2015, however the bottom is not reflected on the asking rates, but rather can be clearly perceived through actually achieved transactions.”