18 ноября Президент Российского Союза химиков Виктор Иванов лично вручил директору «Агентства Маркет Гайд» и издателю журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА» Юлии Кисловой сертификат, подтверждающий членство агентства в Российском Союзе химиков.
Дорогие читатели! Десятый номер журнала «Логистика» открывается большим материалом, посвященным итогам Делового форума БРИКС, прошедшем 18 октября 2024 г. в Москве. Директор ООО «Агентство Маркет Гайд» и издатель журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА» Юлия Кислова побывала на мероприятии и подготовила статью, где особое внимание уделила международной торговле и логистической связанности стран объединения. Подробности – в номере.
Директор ООО «Агентство Маркет Гайд» и издатель журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА» Юлия Кислова посетила форум «Международный день торговли – 2024», который прошел 7 ноября 2024 г. в Москве, в Торгово-промышленной палате Российской Федерации. Основной темой форума стало международное сотрудничество и межрегиональная кооперация. Организатором форума выступила Ассоциация экспортеров и импортеров.
Moscow, 18 January, 2016. These are the data provided by the federal network of pick-up points Hermes. Making preparations for the New Year celebration buyers changed the traditional model of behavior, picking up their online purchases more deftly – they hurried up to pick up their orders immediately after receiving notifications of the arrival of their parcels to pick-up points. In the pre-New Year time, buyers more often preferred to purchase New-Year attires in fashion stores, consumer electronics, books, cosmetics and health products, children goods.
Top sellers in the pre-New Year period turned out to be Internet stores in the fashion segment, the average growth of which in December amounted to 24% compared with the previous month, and Internet stores of household appliances and consumer electronics with the average growth of 17% by November. The list of Internet stores, which increased the number of orders in the pre-holiday period, also included Internet bookshops, children goods shops, stores with a wide range of goods, stores of cosmetics and health products. Online shops offering seasonal goods for winter sports and activities were of high demand. The volume of orders increased almost twice.
“It is also worth noting that the number of unpaid parcels in these categories of online shops reduced on the last week of December. The average reduction was 4% to 5%. In some online shops of the fashion segment, household appliances and consumer electronics, the index of unpaid parcels decreased by 10% to 12%. It is caused by the fact that the demand in the pre-New Year season is more weighted, the share of impulse purchases decreases, consumers plan purchases of gifts for relatives and close ones more carefully,” – Elina Mikutskaya, the Head of Marketing of Hermes, comments.
The people who had ordered their New Year gifts with the delivery to Hermes pick-up points demonstrated discipline even on the last day of the outgoing year. It turned out that Russians not only prepare salads and see Soviet New Year comedies on December 31. Many people also buy gifts for relatives and friends on this day. 18% of online buyers who received the notification from Hermes of the parcel delivery to the pick-up point on December 31 picked up their orders on the same day. Another 43% found time to pick up orders during the New Year holidays. Loyal to the habit of finishing affairs commenced in the old year without postponing them to the New Year, people also came to pick-up points on the last day of the outgoing year to pick up parcels with the expiring storage time. Thus, 10% of dispatches out of the total amount of orders placed in December were delivered within the last 3 days of the outgoing year. It is evidence that the buying activity on the pre-holiday days does not decrease at all and buyers, apart from looking for ingredients for festive dishes, find time to pick up their parcels in pick-up points.