18 ноября Президент Российского Союза химиков Виктор Иванов лично вручил директору «Агентства Маркет Гайд» и издателю журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА» Юлии Кисловой сертификат, подтверждающий членство агентства в Российском Союзе химиков.
Дорогие читатели! Десятый номер журнала «Логистика» открывается большим материалом, посвященным итогам Делового форума БРИКС, прошедшем 18 октября 2024 г. в Москве. Директор ООО «Агентство Маркет Гайд» и издатель журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА» Юлия Кислова побывала на мероприятии и подготовила статью, где особое внимание уделила международной торговле и логистической связанности стран объединения. Подробности – в номере.
Директор ООО «Агентство Маркет Гайд» и издатель журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА» Юлия Кислова посетила форум «Международный день торговли – 2024», который прошел 7 ноября 2024 г. в Москве, в Торгово-промышленной палате Российской Федерации. Основной темой форума стало международное сотрудничество и межрегиональная кооперация. Организатором форума выступила Ассоциация экспортеров и импортеров.
MOSCOW, Oct. 15, 2015 – UPS (NYSE:UPS) is expanding its UPS Worldwide Express™ service to more than 41,000 new postal codes around the world, including nearly 15,000 post codes in Europe and 73 post codes in Russia. Now customers who previously had only end-of-day delivery options may use earlier delivery options. UPS already delivers more packages internationally and offers more small-package delivery options than any other integrated logistics company.
In Russia expansion of UPS Worldwide Express will be held in 20 cities – Moscow, Yaroslavl, Arkhangelsk, Novodvinsk, Veliky Novgorod, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Bryansk, Kaluga, Orel, Rostov-on-Don, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Volgograd, Saratov, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Perm and Yekaterinburg.
Starting Oct. 19, UPS Worldwide Express service will be available in all of the new post codes. This is the largest one-time expansion of the service in its history.
The service is part of the UPS Express® portfolio, which offers three time-of-day delivery options. They include customs clearance. The UPS Express portfolio features:
• UPS Express Plus® for early-morning delivery to 27 countries, including Russia for delivery abroad
• UPS Express® for midday delivery to 65 countries, including some regions in Russia
• UPS Express Saver® for end-of-day delivery to Russia and other 119 countries and territories
UPS Worldwide Express service offers delivery on the next business day (after crossing the border if applicable) by 10:30 a.m., noon or 2:00 p.m. depending on the destination. Individuals and companies of all sizes can use the service, but in the first place it is suitable to those with time-sensitive international shipments. UPS Worldwide Express service is available in 65 countries, including Russia, that comprise 91% of the global gross domestic product.
Major clients using UPS Worldwide Express shipping work in the high-tech, retail and industrial manufacturing industries. High-tech companies, for example, operate in a particularly fast-paced environment with little to no downtime between product generations. UPS Worldwide Express service gives companies like these greater ability to keep their manufacturing and distribution processes moving at the speeds they require.
“We are pleased to expand the global footprint of UPS Worldwide Express in Europe, in important trade lanes like Asia and around the world,” said Scott Aubuchon, vice president of marketing at UPS Europe. “As international trade continues to grow and supply chains become increasingly global, European businesses need more time-of-day delivery options they can count on. Their success, in turn, drives their commerce with other European countries and the rest of the world, which creates European jobs.”
Cross-border trade is on track to increase around the world. The World Trade Organization predicts a 3.3% increase in world merchandise trade in 2015 and a 4% increase in 2016.
The majority of the new destination postal codes are in Asia Pacific. In Europe and Canada, UPS is further expanding its already broad coverage, while the new post codes in Latin America, the Indian Sub-continent, the Middle East and Africa will grow UPS’s footprint in these burgeoning regions.
The expansion of UPS Worldwide Express service to additional postal codes helps facilitate growth in international trade by giving customers an even larger coverage area for urgent deliveries. The earlier delivery option offered with the UPS Worldwide Express service allows businesses to be more dynamic and effective. This service, along with other UPS offerings, also supports the fast rise of cross-border e-commerce in Europe.