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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
The total volume of the freight turnover of the Chuvash Republic is 17.0–18.0 million tons per year, with the largest share being intra- and inter-regional flow, which is in the range of 80–90%; the share of the export turnover is about 1.5–2.0%, the share of import turnover does not exceed 3.0–5.0%. In the total volume of the cargo transportation the leadership belongs to the railway and road transport. Their share in 2012–2013 amounted to 30 and 60% of the total freight turnover of the Chuvash Republic respectively.
In comparison with other regions of the Volga Federal District the cargo transportation volumes in the Chuvash Republic are negligible: so, according to Rosstat, Chuvash Republic takes the last place in rail cargo transportation volumes in Volga Federal District, and the second-to-last place in road cargo transportation volumes (Mari El Republic took the bottom).
The region annually imports about 5.9–6.0 million tons of commercial products. The structure of the incoming traffic is mainly composed of categories such as building and mineral products (33%), food products (16%), machinery and equipment, metal products (13%), consumer goods (10%). The volume of the marketable products export from the region is significantly lower and is about 2.3–2.5 million tons per year, with the largest share in the structure of export products being represented by engineering and chemical industry – the total share is about 64% (Fig. 1).
Figure 1
Structure of the incoming and outgoing cargo traffic on the territory of the
Chuvash Republic as of year-end 2014 (railway and road transport)
Transport and logistics service market capacity can be defined as the volume of goods transported by all modes of transport in the region for a certain period of time (year). According to the official statistics data, in 2014 the capacity of the transport and logistics services market of the Chuvash Republic (excluding pipelines transportation) was 17.7 million tons.
In general, the development of logistics services in the Chuvash Republic can be characterized as insufficient. In 2013 the experts of the Russian logistics market conducted the integral evaluation of the efficiency of logistics at the regional level and formed the rating of regions in terms of favorable conditions for the development of logistics. According to this rating Chuvash Republic joined the group of regions characterized by almost complete lack of conditions for the development of logistics, as it occupied the 71st place among the 80 regions.
On the territory of the Chuvash Republic there are no high-quality modern warehouse complexes of A, B +, B classes, except for the logistics complexes built by industrial companies to meet domestic needs (warehouses of Akkond, Buket Chuvashii, Maslosyrbaza Chuvashskaya companies and others). Most part of the transport and logistics market of the Chuvash Republic is currently occupied by small transport companies that specialize exclusively in intraregional, interregional and international cargo transportation, as well as by a significant number of individual entrepreneurs, offering services to transport goods at low prices. Thus, transport and logistics market players of the Chuvash Republic are engaged only in the delivery of goods. They generally do not have their own storage space, renting from time to time small spaces for short-term storage of goods before passing the goods to the client.
The structure of the potential demand for logistics services by functionality on the territory of the Chuvash Republic, as well as throughout whole Russia, is presented mainly by “Transportation and forwarding” segment, which deals predominantly with the transportation of cargo (Fig. 2).
Figure 2
Structure of the potential demand for logistics services in the Chuvash Republic, %
Figure 3
Dynamics of capacity of the logistics services market in the Chuvash Republic in physical terms in the 2010–2014, million tons