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Дорогие друзья! Завтра, 18 марта, начнет свою работу 29-я Международная выставка транспортно-логистических услуг, складского оборудования и технологий TransRussia 2025:
Дорогие друзья! Совсем скоро откроет свои двери крупнейшее мероприятие логистической отрасли TransRussia 2025. Специально к выставке мы выпустили два номера журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА», в них много интересной и полезной информации как для посетителей мероприятия, так и для экспонентов.
The key goal of the introduction of the bar code system is to increase the efficiency of the warehouse: simplify accounting, speed up shipping and acceptance of goods, eliminate errors and optimize costs. Considering a wide logistics supply network, optimization of accounting has become a necessary solution.
"The connection of the bar code system at the factory is a planned step in a wide range of measures aimed at the transition to an electronic document management," says Elena Pugacheva, Operations Manager of Uralsky Chrysotile. "We make a forecastthat bar coding will reduce logistics and document workflowcosts by up to 3% this fall, when the state System of Electronic Shipping Documents will be in operation in Russia."
1D bar code according to the EAN-13 (JAN-13) standard was chosen for marking. This is a 13-digit bar code for encrypting numeric data. It is used almost all over the world. The bar code stores: a company code, a product code, a check digit and a country code.