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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
On the sidelines of Expo 2020, Dubai, Veronika Nikishina, General Director of Russian Export Center JSC (VEB.RF Group), said that Russian non-resource non-energy exports set a new record of $193bn in 2021. According to her, it exceeds the previous year figures by 37%.
“Last year saw a steady export growth. The total export was approximately $492 bn. These figures equal the 2014 record,” says Veronika Nikishina. “Non-resource goods consistently prevail over resource ones in the export pattern and this year they account for about 64% of the total export.”
“Non-resource non-energy exports break new records every month and this December they set an all-time high value of $22.8 bn. The 2021 year-end export reached $193 bn, which is 37% more than the previous year,” says the General Director of REC noting that “Russian non-resource non-energy exports growth exceeds that of the global trade.”
The main exporters are metal (25.6%), chemical (19.6%), machine engineering (19.1%), and food (17.7%) industries. Thanks to commission of new capacities, export of pharmaceuticals, polymers, and wood panels also grows.
The key consumers of Russian goods are China, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Turkey, and the United States.
Under the national project ‘International Cooperation and Exports,’ Russia is to increase non-resource non-energy exports by 70% by 2030.