18 октября в Центре международной торговли Москвы состоялся Деловой форум БРИКС «Партнерство БРИКС: укрепление многосторонности для справедливого глобального развития и безопасности».
Дорогие читатели! Представляем вашему вниманию девятый номер журнала «Логистика», в котором мы собрали и объединили актуальные материалы. На страницах нового номера мы уделили пристальное внимание кадровой проблеме. Вас заинтересует исследование компании SuperJob, посвященное изменению спроса на персонал за год, зарплатам водителей грузовых автомобилей и персонала складских комплексов.
25 сентября Высшей аттестационной комиссии при Минобрнауки представлен обновленный Перечень рецензируемых научных изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученой степени кандидата наук, на соискание ученой степени доктора наук. Перечень утвержден приказом Минобрнауки России от 31 мая 2023 г. № 534 (зарегистрирован Минюстом России 11 июля 2023 г., регистрационный № 74207), и в него вошли издания, включенные в Перечень по состоянию на 31 декабря 2023 г.
The natural gas rally started on September 11 in St. Petersburg. It was designed to demonstrate and promote the advantages of using natural gas as a motor fuel. A column of gas-fueled vehicles will cross the country and reach Mirny.
In the summer of 2020, ALROSA initiated the rally. The project idea was supported by the government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) at the meeting with the participation of relevant ministries and enterprises. The project was welcomed by the managers of «Gazprom gas-engine fuel» and the National Gas-engine Association.
The race will take place on the territory of more than 20 regions of Russia. Among the participants there are at least 4 cars representing «ALROSA», «Sakhaneftegazsbyt» and «Tairmen Group». Choices of car models vary from Lada Largus to Scania tractor and NefAZ bus. In other regions the column will also be joined by other vehicles. Tikhvin, Leningrad region is the first city to be visited by participants of the rally, there participants will meet representatives of the National Gas-engine Association.
During the rally, leading domestic manufacturers of gas-powered vehicles will join business community to share experience and establish new deals. The rally builds a scene to film documentary materials about the experience of individuals and companies using natural gas transport and vehicle manufacturers. It is expected that particular attention is going to be brought on cities participating in the Federal project "Clean air" (a part of national project «Ecology»), city councils there are actively implementing transport running on natural gas.
The organizers of the event are confident that the rally will demonstrate high efficiency of using natural gas as a motor fuel while it is less damaging for the environment.
Experts estimate that the use of natural gas as a motor fuel can reduce transport costs by an average of 2-3 times, it would lead to positive changes in the entire pricing chain of most goods and services. At the same time, the carbon dioxide emissions of a methane-powered car are 2-3 times less than those of a gasoline-powered car, and nitrogen emissions are 90% lower compared to diesel cars. The exhaust of gas transport is completely free of soot and sulfur compounds, which provides 9 times less smoke and air pollution.