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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
On February 20, Denis Krasilnikov assumed office as Sales Director of CV Protek.
Previously, Vladimir Malinnikov, First Deputy General Director, who left the СV Protek, was responsible for searching new channels and markets for the company, improving customer services, and so on. The position of First Deputy General Director has been abolished in the company.
Denis Krasilnikov graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy in medical care in 2001, having received the specialty Therapist.
He started his career in CV Protek in 2002, and worked his way from a sales manager to commercial director of the company branch in Nizhny Novgorod. Then he was a manager of budget sales of the representative office of CV Protek in the Volga Federal District, he headed the company’s branches in Kirov and Kazan in 2009 - 2010.
Since 2011, Denis Krasilnikov, Director of regional management, led the work of the company’s branches in the Volga and Ural federal districts. In 2006 he graduated from the Higher School of Economics with a degree in Enterprise Management.
“First of all, I will have to comprehensively study the company’s client base and the features of the business processes organization throughout all regions of presence of CV Protek. Based on the results of the first stage of work, Protek’s top management will be presented with a plan of specific measures to improve business efficiency”, - said Denis Krasilnikov, Sales Director of Protek CV.