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“We are responding to strong market demand for increasing FTL capacity in Germany, and have today registered our first trucks on German plates. This milestone event is one small part towards our sustainable growth target of reaching 10.000 trucks and 20.000 truck drivers by 2021”, - says Kristian Kaas Mortensen, Director Strategic Partnerships, Girteka Logistics.
European and German transport companies are greatly challenged by the increasing driver’s shortage, it’s currently estimated that 20% of German trucks are standing still in 2018 due to this problem.
Girteka Logistics is partnering with the world’s leading brands to transport their products across Europe. Long distance International FTL transportation has always been the company’s key to success, now the German domestic FTL market is an integrated part of the company’s portfolio.
“In recent years we have observed domestic transport companies fight to compensate for the increasing lack of truck drivers, at the same time we have grown from 8.000 truck drivers in January 2018 to more than 10.000 today. We now introduce capacity and our commercial excellence on the German domestic FTL transportation market”, - says Kristian Kaas Mortensen, Director Strategic Partnerships, Girteka Logistics.
The European and German trucking industry is highly fragmented, more than 80% of companies operate less than 10 trucks and only 1% of companies operate more than 50 trucks. Taking full advantage of this fact has enabled Girteka Logistics to become Europe’s leading transport company. In todays challenged market, such fragmentation makes it easier for the few large transport companies like Girteka Logistics to grow exponentially.
“What years ago started as a low cost advantage from the east, has now become a battle to provide predictable capacity with a high level of professionalization”, - says Kristian Kaas Mortensen, Director Strategic Partnerships, Girteka Logistics.