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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
Following the results of the World Cup more than 16,000 buses involved during the World Cup 2018 registered in the "ERA-GLONASS" system. Of them Space Team connected and identified in the ERA-GLONASS system of 4 783 device in 2 months, including a telematic terminal STAB® Mini 20+.
STAB® Mini 20+ satellite navigation equipment provides prompt receipt and storage of information about the location, direction and speed of the bus, as well as timely and uninterrupted access of the Autonomous non-profit organization (ANO) "Transport Directorate of the World Cup 2018 in the Russian Federation" to this information after its receipt in the "ERA-GLONASS" system.
Alexey Smetsky, CEO of SpaceTeam navigation holding, said: "during this project we obtained an interesting experience with a large number of shipping companies. Our employees in a short time managed to carry out deliveries, installation, verification and identification of equipment, as well as the collection and analysis of documentation for the operator of GAIS "ERA-GLONASS". I think that these skills will be useful to us in the near future for the implementation of the Government Resolution No. 153".
The STAB® Mini 20+ telematics terminal have been included in the approved list of satellite navigation equipment, held a successful identification in GAIS "ERA-GLONASS" for the data transmission in the ANO "Transport Directorate of FIFA World Cup 2018 in the Russian Federation", as a professional equipment for transport monitoring with an expanded scope and an optimal number of connected devices, which meets all the requirements for installation on the transport of FIFA2018 official carriers.
As a reminder, Within the framework of the presidential Decree No. 202 of 09.05.2017 "Regarding the peculiarities of the application of enhanced security measures during the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the 2017 FIFA confederations Cup in the Russian Federation" in terms of the organization of transportation between the host cities during the Championship, a prohibition was introduced on the entry of buses not equipped with satellite navigation equipment identified in the "ERA-GLONASS" system to the cities hosting the world Cup: from June 1 to July 17 on the territory of Moscow, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-don, Samara, Sochi, St. Petersburg, and from June 1 to June 30-on the territory of Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, Saransk, Kaliningrad.
"ERA-GLONASS " system allows to automatically recognize violations committed by bus drivers equipped with satellite navigation equipment: unscheduled stops for more than 60 minutes, deviation from the route of more than 100 m, the absence of a telematics signal for more than 2 hours. These measures were taken to ensure additional safety of the fans.