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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
The 4th International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction", organized by the State Company "Russian Highways" ("Avtodor"), will be held in Sochi from May 30 through June 1, 2018.
The road industry is traditionally one of the fastest growing sectors, both in Russia and abroad. The road infrastructure is integral part and a cornerstone of national economic development having direct impact on the quality of life.
The current situation in the industry and its further development requires innovations and high-tech solutions. The road infrastructure shall as far as possible meet the community needs, be efficient both for the public and the state and comply with high environmental standards and requirements.
Innovative technologies are relevant to all market segments and participants as well as industry insiders, from designers, developers and operators to road users (i.e. drivers and pedestrians).
International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" is a unique venue which is used to discuss most pressing industry-specific issues, thus allowing it to make our efforts more forward-looking and efficient.
For the fourth time we convene representatives of governmental, federal and regional authorities, businesses, educational institutions and scientific communities.
The 3rd Forum held in 2017 succeeded with the support and involvement of the following institutions: the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Federal Road Agency, the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection, the Administration of the Krasnodar Region, the RUSNANO Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs, the Agency for Technological Development, and the World Skills Russia movement.
Welcome to The 4th International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction"!