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Region: Baltic / ARAG
Trade: Coaster shipments, Handy-size
Major coal market players are refusing rumors about difficulties of transporting coal into the Baltic States ports. Nevertheless, they are not denying such possibility to appear in future, but implore not to be worried beforehand. Also it’s too early to talk about recovery in the coal market yet.
Harvest in the Baltic States which was started from the rapeseed gathering few weeks ago still goes on. Grain crop is expected to start for weeks 34-35. This year quantity of high protein grain is significantly less than expected, and comparing last year crop in the Baltic States region.
Despite of Traders fears, steel scrap traffic from European countries has not decreased. Slight decline of coaster parcels was noted, but Handy-size traffic is even growing for these days. Turkey keeps high purchase prices for steel scrap, also they have been increased in Russia. Nevertheless main growth of prices and number of shipments will take place at the end of September – beginning of October.
Source: «Глогос проект»