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B2B-China.pro and Tochka Bank have launched «Exchange Control» online calculator, which allows to calculate the cost of the “Exchange Control” service and currency transfer transaction fee.
It is enough to enter the type of currency and the amount of payment to calculate the service cost and to order the service online.
“We always try to make it so that entrepreneurs can easily and conveniently do their work. Partner relations with foreign customers usually add a lot of trouble: you need to understand the customs legislation, know the peculiarities of state regulation of foreign economic activity. In practice, this all results in a huge number of documents: certificates, invoices and so on. Together with B2B-China, we eliminate business customers from routine, “said Ekaterina Vazhnikova, head of the Tochka bank’s foreign economic support department for entrepreneurs.
“Anyone who has encountered foreign exchange payments knows how long it takes to open a currency transaction report form, prepare or receive from the bank all necessary documents and certificates, and other transactions. All it takes a lot of time and effort, especially for small and medium-sized businesses, for which it can sometimes be too costly to have accountants who have the necessary competencies in foreign trade. Our joint project with the Tochka Bank will help entrepreneurs working with Chinese suppliers to perform routine operations easily and online, and concentrate on their core business development, “said Victor Sokovnin, head of B2B-China.pro.