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B2B-China.pro launched a new service “Corporate platform”, which allows any company with a constant flow of goods from China to create its own trading platform for procurement of logistics services.
It is enough for the owner of such a site to invite once freight forwarding companies and start placing orders for transportation of goods. Contractors will receive instant notifications of new trades via mail, SMS and via mobile application.
Own trading platform allows the cargo owner to work only with proven counterparties. At the same time anonymous bidding in the auction allows you to avoid a possible collusion between the participants. As a result of bidding, the customer chooses the best offer and places an order with the winner of the bidding.
“The corporate platform solves several common problems at once. First, the freight owner reduces the cost of transportation by an average of 2-4% through trades between logistics companies. Secondly, it reduces the labor costs for receiving proposals for each application - there is no need to contact each carrier separately. Thirdly, the management of the company receives transparency in choosing a counterparties - it can always see which alternative offers for each request were received and how optimally the choice was made, « said Victor Sokovnin, head of B2B-China.pro.
For the first three months, B2B-China customers can use the corporate trading platform for free.