Dear readers! We present to your attention the final issue of the LOGISTICS journal in 2024. We have tried to make it rich and interesting. Today, many Russian companies operate under strict sanctions restrictions, which force them to reorient logistics flows. One of the possible solutions to this problem may be the Russia – Mongolia – China economic corridor. Details can be found in the article by Alexandra Kazunina.
Dear readers! We present to your attention the 11th issue of the LOGISTICS magazine, where you will find relevant materials and articles. And again, the focus is on international cooperation. An important event in this area was the International Trade Day 2024 Forum, held on November 7, 2024 in Moscow.
Dear readers! The tenth issue of LOGISTICS journal opens with a large article dedicated to the results of the BRICS Business Forum, held on October 18, 2024 in Moscow. Yulia Kislova, Director of Agency Market Guide LLC and publisher of LOGISTICS journal, attended the event and prepared an article where she paid special attention to international trade and logistical connectivity of the countries of the association. The details are in the room.
- About 75% of the new delivery in 2017 will localize in two key submarkets: Moscow-City and CBD -
CBRE, global real estate advisor, summarizes Q3 2016 results of the Moscow Office market. According to the report, the volume of new construction in CBD in 2017 will return to the levels of 2014-2015 and will reach approximately 100,000 sq m. Thus, about 75% of the new delivery in 2017 will localize in two key submarkets: Moscow-City and CBD.
In 2017 completions is likely to amount to 420,000 sq m, over a half of which will be contributed by two office buildings: IQ-quarter (130,300 sq m) and Federation Tower East (82,600 sq m).
In Q4 2016 113,000 sq m of new office space is expected to be delivered. As a result 2016 completions volume is not likely to exceed 370,000 sq m, which is twice less than 2015 completions.
Take-up volume in Q3 2016 increased by 10% compared to Q3 2015 and amounted to 233,600 sq m. Class B accounted for 65% of this value or 152,900 sq m. The volume of transactions for new leases and acquisitions amounted to 790,700 sq m in total since the beginning of year, which is 45% above the value in Q1-Q3 2015. Medium-sized office premises with an area of 1,001-3,000 sq m were the most demanded in Q3 2016 (36% of take-up).
Tenants and buyers have become more inclined to choose new Class A premises, for which prices and rental rates are still at reduced levels.
The volume of new transactions in Q4 2016 may reach 210,000 sq m and 1 million sq m for the whole 2016.
After a sharp decline of vacancy rates in Class A in Q2 2016, in Q3 vacancy dropped by 0.1 ppts and stabilized at 19.2%.
Change in vacancy rates in class A resulted in a decline of overall vacancy in the market by 0.1 ppts for the quarter. Vacancy in Class B did not change as a significant amount of new construction (90%) contributed to Class B, which effectively replaced absorbed area.
The demand values, combined with low levels of new completion will lead decrease in vacancy rate by 0.2 ppts to 16.4% in Q4 2016.
Elena Denisova, Senior Director, Head of Office Department of CBRE in Russia said:
"Activity in the office market increased in Q3 2016. If in Q2 demand was largely maintained by two large transactions related to the settlement of debt, in Q3 the number of deals transacted at the market terms increased, which suggests that tenants and buyers have begun to make decisions and in some sense aware of the risk of "closing window of opportunity" for getting the best deal in the right building. The volume of lease renewals and renegotiations is gradually declining. We expect that this trend will strengthen in Q4. According to our forecasts, the volume of transactions for new leases and acquisitions of office spaces will reach pre-crisis levels of 2012-2013 by the end of 2016."