Dear readers! We present to your attention the final issue of the LOGISTICS journal in 2024. We have tried to make it rich and interesting. Today, many Russian companies operate under strict sanctions restrictions, which force them to reorient logistics flows. One of the possible solutions to this problem may be the Russia – Mongolia – China economic corridor. Details can be found in the article by Alexandra Kazunina.
Dear readers! We present to your attention the 11th issue of the LOGISTICS magazine, where you will find relevant materials and articles. And again, the focus is on international cooperation. An important event in this area was the International Trade Day 2024 Forum, held on November 7, 2024 in Moscow.
Dear readers! The tenth issue of LOGISTICS journal opens with a large article dedicated to the results of the BRICS Business Forum, held on October 18, 2024 in Moscow. Yulia Kislova, Director of Agency Market Guide LLC and publisher of LOGISTICS journal, attended the event and prepared an article where she paid special attention to international trade and logistical connectivity of the countries of the association. The details are in the room.
United Transport and Logistics Company – Eurasian Railway Alliance (UTLC ERA JSC), “Kaliningrad Railway” – a branch of “Russian Railways” JSC, “Kaliningrad Sea Trade Port” JSC (KSTP JSC) and “Belintertrans-Germany” LLC have sent the pilot trains from Kaliningrad to Chengdu as a part of the multimodal transportation development project through the ports of the Kaliningrad region in China – Europe communication.
Two full trains with containers arrived by sea from Rotterdam were sent from the Kaliningrad port through Dostyk to Chengdu on November 7, 2018.
“The results of the pilot shipment are yet to be analyzed. We would like to thank our partners – Kaliningrad Railway and Kaliningrad Sea Trade Port. It is worth mentioning that the technology of container trains combining has been applied and has been confirmed by our colleagues. UTLC ERA has been using the combined trains (XL-train) since 2017, which make it possible to use the railways capacity in an optimal way, to reduce costs, to increase efficiency and profitability for the carriers in the first place,” Alexey Grom, the President of UTLC ERA, notes. “In general, the cooperation of the EEU rail carriers, the ports of Kaliningrad and Baltiysk, the container shipping lines and UTLC ERA as a container trains operator on the 1520 mm gauge is aimed at offering customers a new transport and logistics service which will be competitive by optimal transit time and cost.”
“We believe that the multimodal transportation in the context of the container transit transportation increase has great prospects and can serve as a good complement to the basic land routes. We are yet to improve the technology, to analyze the readiness of the transport and logistics service, – Alexey Grom says. – The first multimodal container transportation through the Kaliningrad port is the completion of a large amount of work on a new service launching. Nowadays, transit trains through the overland terminals of Kaliningrad along the route China – Europe – China are regularly running. “Kaliningrad” Universal Transport and Logistics Center works at the Dzerzhinskaya-Novaya station, and starting from November 2018 we receive and send three pairs of trains a week at this station.”