Dear readers! We present to your attention the final issue of the LOGISTICS journal in 2024. We have tried to make it rich and interesting. Today, many Russian companies operate under strict sanctions restrictions, which force them to reorient logistics flows. One of the possible solutions to this problem may be the Russia – Mongolia – China economic corridor. Details can be found in the article by Alexandra Kazunina.
Dear readers! We present to your attention the 11th issue of the LOGISTICS magazine, where you will find relevant materials and articles. And again, the focus is on international cooperation. An important event in this area was the International Trade Day 2024 Forum, held on November 7, 2024 in Moscow.
Dear readers! The tenth issue of LOGISTICS journal opens with a large article dedicated to the results of the BRICS Business Forum, held on October 18, 2024 in Moscow. Yulia Kislova, Director of Agency Market Guide LLC and publisher of LOGISTICS journal, attended the event and prepared an article where she paid special attention to international trade and logistical connectivity of the countries of the association. The details are in the room.
“Transport infrastructure of Russia is ready for influx of tourists during the World Cup 2018,” Kirill Polyakov, the General Director of the “Transport Directorate – 2018”, said on Tuesday at a press conference in TASS.
In accordance with Resolution No. 969 dated September 26, 2016, the requirements for functional properties of the transport security technical means and the Rules of mandatory certification of the transport security technical means were approved.
So, according to the Resolution, all the transport security technical means are subject to mandatory certification in the Scientific and Production Association "Special Equipment and Communication" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and to obtain a certificate of conformity. One of the requirements for video surveillance systems in transport is a possibility of video recording in FullHD format, which will allow accurate recording of high quality of everything that fell into the camera coverage area.
Mandatory certification is provided for video surveillance systems for all types of public transport: buses, trolleybuses, trams, trains (suburban and coach service), aircraft and marine vessels.
The video system created by the company EuroMobile was one of the first to obtain the Transport Security Certificate. Based on the results of all tests, the video surveillance system EMG2018S was certified for compliance with the 969th Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation and approved for installation in transportation facilities. Availability of a certified video surveillance system and its widespread implementation to the transportation facilities will allow passengers to be confident in the high degree of security of all traffic hubs in the Russian Federation.
The system consists of a specialized video recorder, video cameras, a driver's display and an industrial version cellular router. Each of the components performs its specific function: video recorder provides reception of video data streams from IP and AHD cameras installed in the vehicle salon, the driver’s display provides a view of the current situation obtained from the cameras, and the cellular router provides transmission of the video stream, route and alarms via cellular networks to the server. This allows on-line video surveillance of vehicles.
Recall that from June 1, 2018, restrictions came into force on entry into cities where the football World Cup is held for buses with no identification in the ERA-GLONASS system, an exception is only for municipal and regional regular service buses.
Since 2014, EuroMobile actively participates in the development of the program Smart City, and has implemented a number of projects for transport companies in Crimea, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Tver, Bratsk. The company creates and implements wireless IT solutions for transport and other sectors of the economy. The company provides the following services: creation and implementation of smart objects, development of object management systems, implementation of automation systems for data collection and recording, organization of communication between objects.