Dear readers! We present to your attention the third issue of the LOGISTICS journal for 2025. Our editorial staff, like all our colleagues, is preparing for the TransRussia 2025 exhibition, the largest event in the industry. In this issue, we have prepared an interview with Natalia Lomunova, Director of TransRussia, with whom we are talking about a flexible approach, new participants and digital services. We continue the series of articles from P.V.
Dear readers! We present to your attention the first issue of the LOGISTICS journal in 2025. First of all, we would like to draw readers' attention to our new partner R1 Development, a development company that creates a new generation environment and specializes in the construction of industrial, logistics, commercial and residential real estate. One of the projects of R1 Development is the Druzhba industrial park network.
Dear readers! We present to your attention the final issue of the LOGISTICS journal in 2024. We have tried to make it rich and interesting. Today, many Russian companies operate under strict sanctions restrictions, which force them to reorient logistics flows. One of the possible solutions to this problem may be the Russia – Mongolia – China economic corridor. Details can be found in the article by Alexandra Kazunina.
International Logistics & Material Handling Exhibition has closed today its 19 Edition, with more than 600 participating companies, 40% of which are international and come from 38 different countries. SIL2017 has brought along 3 intense days the entire sector of the logistics chain. Jordi Cornet, Special Delegate of the State and Chairman of SIL, has pointed out that “We have had a great edition of the SIL with strong national, regional and municipal institutional support, with the participation of more than 600 participating companies, 40% of internationality, 10% more trade visitors, many quality contacts have been made and the exhibiting companies have moved us their total satisfaction because they have done business. All this guarantees the success of this Edition, which once again has highlight the great potential that has the logistics sector as one of the economic engines of the economy of our country”. In this sense, Cornet added that "we are very satisfied with the amount and level of professional visitors who have come to this edition of SIL because they have exceeded all expectations. We have spoken with many exhibitors who confirm that these days have done business and good operations have closed. SIL has been reaffirmed again as the meeting point and exchange of knowledge for an extremely competitive sector and attentive to new trends and technological developments as the logistics one. One more year SIL has become again the meeting point for the logistics sector nationally and internationally in June”. The SIL once again consolidated its position of leadership in Spain and southern Europe and has positioned itself as the reference in Europe for business and contacts between the Mediterranean and Latin America.
The President of SIL, Jordi Cornet, wanted to remark that "SIL has been reaffirmed as the meeting point between the Mediterranean and Latin America business with the celebration of the 15th Mediterranean Logistics and Transport Forum, the 10th Mediterranean Summit of Ports, the 6th Summit Latin American Logistics and the largest program of industry conferences, with more influx of professional level". This fact reaffirms the role of SIL as a meeting point and debate in the sector.
√ Inauguration presided by the Minister of Development, Íñigo de la Serna, who was accompanied by the Regional Minister of Territory and sustainability of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Josep Rull, the Delegate of the Government in Catalonia, Enric Millo, the Second Lieutenant of Mayor for the Area of Business, Culture and Innovation of the city of Barcelona, Jaume Colboni, the special State Delegate in the Zona Franca Consortium of Barcelona and President of SIL, Jordi Cornet, the Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing, Julio Gómez-Pomar, the Major of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Nuria Marín, the Secretary of Infrastructures and Mobility of Generalitat of Catalonia, Ricard Font, the Managing Director of the Public Agency of Andalucía Ports on behalf of the Guest Autonomous Community of SIL2017, Alfonso Rodriguez Gomez de Celis, the Regional Secretary of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors and Trade of Generalitat Valenciana, Blanca Marí, Executive Secretary of Competitiveness and Logistics of the Republic of Panama, Miguel Ángel Esbri, Managing Director of SIL, Blanca Sorigué, and Presidents, CEOs and General Managers of sector leading companies and different members of the Organizing Committee of SIL 2017. SIL 2017 opening took place on June 6th on the Montjuic-Plaza España Venue of Fira de Barcelona.
√ SIL's this year has realize one of its priority objectives: be the International Exhibition of reference which embrace all sectors of the supply chain in South Europe, making a clear commitment by business, networking, and knowledge. The wide business and institutional representation, national and foreigner of this 19th Edition has been key to reaffirm the SIL as the real space for the Know How and business of global reference. The countries that have been represented in SIL 2017 have been: Germany, Andorra, Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Greece, Guatemala, Holland, Honduras, India, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Morocco, Mexico, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Ukraine, Uruguay, USA and Venezuela, among others.
√ The 19th edition of International Logistics and Material Handling Exhibition has also been one of the largest spaces of Europe dedicated to trade and knowledge with a turnover which is estimated to be higher than last year.
√ SIL 2017 offers to exhibiting and visiting companies a Hall divided into sectors where the different fields related to logistics management have been represented:
√ More than 3,600 professionals who have attended different sessions of the 2017 SIL International Congress as members of Congress who have endorsed again the commitment of the SIL for spreading knowledge about different areas of logistics. In this edition 30 scheduled sessions have been inside of the largest International Logistics Congress in Europe:
√ From 1998 many companies and institutions have placed their trust in the International Logistics and Material Handling Exhibition. And this year was not for less. 24 large firms, between companies and institutions, have become sponsors of SIL 2017 Sessions and official sponsors.
√ On SIL 2017, "The night of logistics" has been celebrated, after 7 years of absence, which was chaired by Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, Vice-President of the Government of Spain and Minister of the Presidency and the Territorial Administrations territorial.
√ On "Night of the logistics" the SIL Awards has been presented to the logistics efficiency and technological innovation (Seat), greater supply chain transformation (Amazon) and logistics sustainability (Bodegas Torres).
√ The SIL 2017 Innovation Zone has approached to all Exhibition visitors the latest trends in the innovation sector applied to logistics projects.
√ In SIL 2017 have been held for the second time the ICIL SIL Awards to the Best Innovation showed in the Exhibition. The virtual reality environment presented by Viastore Systemas and the Electric Tricycle by Zenit Technologies have been winning this second edition updates.
♦ The SIL Círculo Logístico has counted with the participation of more than 919 directors of logistics of leading companies from sectors as diverse as food and consumer goods, automotive, metallurgy and steelmaking, pharmaceutical and medical, chemical or textile.
♦ At the Speed Dating and Networking Lunch of the Círculo Logístico have participated 237 directors of logistics and supply chain that have kept 3,500 direct meetings with other logistics directors and participating companies in the Exhibition.
♦ SIL has managed more than 1,800 applications for commercial interviews between visitors and participating companies at the Exhibition.
eDelivery Barcelona Expo 2017 DATA
Equally, eDelivery Barcelona Expo & Congress has closed its first edition having exceeded all expectations created, both in number of visitors received as in the interest of the different sessions at its Congress.
eDelivery Barcelona Congress 2017 DATA
SIL 2018 has dates and eDelivery Barcelona celebrates its second edition in 2018
Jordi Cornet, Special State Delegate at the Zona Franca Consortium of Barcelona and President of the SIL, has announced that the 20th edition of the Exhibition will be held from 5th to 7th June 2018 in the exhibition centre of Fira de Barcelona Montjuïc-Plaza España.
Cornet has also ensured that "after the success of the first edition of Barcelona Expo & Congress we can announce that there will be a second edition. It is too early to move forward if this second edition will match also in place and dates the SIL, but I can guarantee that in 2018 we will celebrate the second edition of Barcelona Expo eDelivery”
Finally, the President of SIL, Jordi Cornet, wanted to "thank all Authorities, national and international associations that collaborated with the Exhibition, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, national and international participants, visitors and media and the city of Barcelona for their collaboration and enthusiastic participation that has made possible the success of this 19th The International Logistics and Material Handling Exhibition". SIL has been reaffirmed again as the leading Exhibition of the sector in Spain, the Mediterranean and southern Europe.
√ Through the authorities and personalities that have visited the 2017 Exhibition and have participated in Paralel Acts should be noted:
As authorities and National Entrepeneurs:
- Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, Deputy President, Minister of the Presidency and Spokeswoman of the Spanish Government
- Íñigo de la Serna, Minister of Development, Spanish Government
- Dolors Montserrat, Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality Spanish Government
- Josep Rull, Regional Minister of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat of Catalonia
- Enric Millo, Delegate of the Government in Catalonia,
- Jaume Colboni, Second Lieutenant of Mayor for the Area of Business, Culture and Innovation of the city of Barcelona
- Jordi Cornet, Special State Delegate in the Zona Franca Consortium of Barcelona and President of SIL
- Julio Gómez Pomar, Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing of the Ministry of Development
- Joaquín Gay de Montellà, President, Fomento del Trabajo Nacional
- José Llorca, President, State Ports
- Mercè Conesa, President, Barcelona Provincial Council
- Manuel Niño, General Secretary of Infrastructure of Development Ministry
- Sixte Cambra, President, Barcelona Port
- Ricard Font, Infrastructures and Mobility Secretary of Catalonian Government
- Juan Alfaro, President of Renfe
- Joan Amorós, President, FERRMED
- Josep Andreu, President, Tarragona Ports Authority
- Francisco Aranda, General Secretary of UNO – Organización Empresarial de Logística y Transporte
- Jordi Archs, Delegate Council, Holding Condeminas – ERGRANSA
- Mario Armero, Executive Vicepresident, ANFAC
- Santiago Bassols, General Manager, BCL – Barcelona-Catalunya Centre Logístic
- Guillermo Belcastro, General Manager, BEST – Barcelona Europe South Terminal
- José Blázquiz, President, ATOX
- Jaume Bonavía, General Manager of Alfil Logistics
- César Briones, General Manager – CEO of Viastore Systems
- Damià Calvet, President, CIMALSA
- Fernando Cámara, President, Spanish Asociation of Bounded Areas and Warehouses
- Jesús Camas, Responsible for Business Prospecting and Labour Market of Barcelona Activa, Barcelona City Council
- Conrad Cardona, General Manager of SSI Schaefer
- Ismael Clemente, CEO of Merlin Propertis
- Rafael Climent, Regional Minister of Economy of Generalitat Valenciana
- Joaquim Coello, President of ANESCO, Asociación Nacional de Compañías Estibadoras y Consignatarias de Buques
- Michael Corell, General Manager, Forwarding Condal
- Sonia Corrochano, Director, Barcelona – El Prat Airport
- David Cuenca, VP Chep Europe & GM Iberia
- Francisco de la Fuente, Gerent, Plataformas Logísticas de Aragón
- Joaquín Del Moral, General Director of Land Transports of Development Ministry
- Jordi Espín, General Manager, TRANSPRIME
- Jaume Esteve, CEO, Wtransnet
- José Estrada, General Manager of Centro Español de Logística (CEL)
- Alberto Fernández Díaz, President of Local Group of Partido Popular
- Josep Mª Fortuny, Transports Deputy Director, Catalonia Government
- Francisco de la Fuente, General Manager of Aragón Logistics Platforms
- Xavier García Albiol, President, Grupo Parlamentario del Partido Popular in Catalonia and Senator
- Ignacio García, Country Manager of Goodman
- Manuel García Guirado, Director of Áreas Logísticas y Transportes de APPA and General Manager of Red Logística de Andalucía
- Marta Gastón, Regional Minister of Economy, Industry and Employment of Aragón
- Isidre Gavín, General Manager, CIMALSA
- Manuel Gracia, President of Puerto de Sevilla
- Luis Guardia, Head of Industrial & Logistics Business de JLL
- Cristina Guiral, President, Tradisa
- José Luis Iranzo, CEO Chief Executive Officer de Arcese España
- Mª Pilar Jurado, Director, Spanish Department of Customs and Special Taxes
- Juan Pablo Lázaro, President of UNO - Organización Empresarial de Logística y Transporte
- Antonio Llobet, President, General Board of Spanish Customs Agents
- Esteban López, CEO and Founder of AINE
- Pere Macias, President of Fundación Cercle d’Infraestructuras
- Xavier Majem, General Manager of Fercam Transportes y Transfercam Maghreb
- Manuel Maldonado Pardo, Chief of the Regiment in Support and Intervention in Emergencias of the Unidad Militar de Emergencias
- Ignacio Manzano, Delegate Council, Agora Invest Barcelona
- Núria Marín, Major of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat
- Mario Massarotti, CEO, Grimaldi Logistíca en España
- Enric Martí, Logistics Director at SEAT
- Aurelio Martínez, President, Valencia Port Authority
- José Miguel Masiques Delegate Counselor of Empresas Masiques
- David Merino, General Manager of Carreteras y Transporte of Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha
- Josep Miarnau, Delegate Council, COMSA-EMTE
- Manuel Morón, Presidente, Bahía de Algeciras Port Authority
- Albert Oñate, President, Propeller Club Barcelona and General Director, China Shipping (Spain) Agency
- Javier Pagés, CEO of Grupo Transnatur
- Pere Padrosa, Transports General Director at Territory and Sustainability Department at Catalonian Government
- Josep Paradells, Director of Fundación i2CAT
- Teresa Pedrosa Silva, Special State Delegate in the Zona Franca Consortium of Zona Franca de Vigo
- Ricardo Peña, President of Puerto de Pasajes
- Antoni Peris, General Director of Negocios Regulados
- Alfonso Pozuelo, Special State Delegate of Consortium of Zona Franca de Cádiz
- Pau Relat, President of Internacionalitation Comision of Cámara de Comercio de Barcelona
- Manel Rey Gonzalez, Regional Director of Correos, Catalonian Area.
- Juan Ramón Rodríguez, President, ABE-L - Asociación para la Busca de la Excelencia en Logística
- Alfonso Rodríguez Gómez de Celis, General Manager of Agencia Pública de Puertos de Andalucía
- Álex Ruestes, CEO ofThe World of Thor Barcode Market
- Antonio Ruiz, General Secreatry of Economy and Trade of Junta de Extremadura
- María José Salvador, Regional Manager of Housing, Public Works and de Vivienda, Obras Públicas y Structuring of the Territory of Generalitat Valenciana
- Ignacio Santos, General Director of Transports of Castilla y León Government
- Emilio Sanz, President of ATEIA – OLTRA
- Ignasi Sayol, Board of Turstess President, Fundación ICIL
- Constantí Serrallonga, General Director, Fira de Barcelona
- José Mª de Simón Goyanes, President of FEM-AEM Asociación Española de Manutención
- Joan Simó, President, Lleida Chamber of Commerce
- Blanca Sorigué, Managing Director, SIL
- José Benito Suárez, President of Puerto de Marín
- Arantxa Tapia, Regional Minister of Economy Development and Infraestructures of Gobierno Vasco
- Enric Ticó, President, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya y de FETEIA-OLTRA
- Jordi Toboso, General Manager of JLL España
- Mireia Torres, Innovation and Knowledge Director of de Bodegas Torres
- Alfonso Valderrama, General Director, Crown Lift Trucks España
- Ramón Valdivia, General Manager of ASTIC
- José Manuel Vargas, President and Delegate Council of Aena
- Ramón Vázquez, President, ACTE and Deputy President, CETM Multimodal
- José Luis Zambrana, Departament of Logistics Areas Managment Areas Logísticas of Andalucía.
As Authorities and International:
- Fausto Arroyo, Main Executive of of the Directorate of Analysis and Sectoral Programming Analisis of CAF – Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina
- Jean-François Auzeau, President of Instituto Aduanero de la Asociación Europea de Servicios de Transitarios, Transporte, Logística y Aduanas
- Alfino Centrocinque, Executive Board Member of Ekol Logistics
- Mohamed Choucair, President, ASCAME
- Miquel Ángel Espinosa, Executive President, FITAC (Colombia)
- Miguel Ángel Esbrí, Executive Secretary of Competitive and Logistics of República de Panamá
- Alaa Ezz, General Secretary, Confederación de las Asociaciones Empresariales Egipcias Europeas (CEEBA)
- Ihab Fahmy, Deputy General Sectretary of Unión por el Mediterráneo
- Helena de Felipe, President of Association of Organizations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME)
- Emanuele Garzia, Deputy President of Cámara de Comercio de Cagliari
- Pietro Gennari, Statistics Chief of Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
- Guillermo González Larsen, Vice President, ALACAT – Federation of National Associations of Freight Forwarders and International Logistics Operators in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Sanna Hassini, Deputy President of Asociación Logística de Marruecos (AMLOG)
- Antonis Kastrissianakis, Director of Security and Trade Facilitation European Commision of DG Fiscalidad y Unión Europea
- Thierry Le Guilloux, General Director, Viia – Las Autopistas Ferroviarias
- Zlatko Micetic, Deputy President of Croatia Chamber of Commerce
- Galo Molina, President ALACAT – Federation of National Associations of Freight Forwarders and International Logistics Operators in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Admiral Mustafa el Deib, Main Assesor of the Minister of Transport and Sea Affairs Minister, Egypt
- Fred Pattje, Operations Manager of Amazon in Spain and Italy
- Alfonso Rojas, President, Asociación Internacional de Agentes Profesionales de Aduanas (ASAPRA)
- Priscila Roditti, Director of International Customs Relations of Dirección General del Servicio Nacional de Aduana de Ecuador
- Annegret Rohloff, Authorized Economic Operator Programme of European Commision DG Fiscality and Customs Union
- Amr Shaat, Minister of Transports, Egypt
- Dursun Topçu, Chamber of Commerce of Istambul
- Ricardo Valero, President of Federación Ecuatoriana de Despachadores de aduana y secretario asociación internacional OEA aduaneros logísticos
- Nicolette van der Jagt, General Director of Asociación Europea de Transporte, Logística y Servicios Aduaneros (CLECAT)
- Imed Zammit, CEO of Institut Méditerranéen de Formation aux Métiers Maritimes (IMFMM)
- Anwar Zibaoui, Coordinator of Asociación de Cámaras de Comercio e Industria del Mediterráneo (ASCAME)