Dear readers! We present to your attention the third issue of the LOGISTICS journal for 2025. Our editorial staff, like all our colleagues, is preparing for the TransRussia 2025 exhibition, the largest event in the industry. In this issue, we have prepared an interview with Natalia Lomunova, Director of TransRussia, with whom we are talking about a flexible approach, new participants and digital services. We continue the series of articles from P.V.
Dear readers! We present to your attention the first issue of the LOGISTICS journal in 2025. First of all, we would like to draw readers' attention to our new partner R1 Development, a development company that creates a new generation environment and specializes in the construction of industrial, logistics, commercial and residential real estate. One of the projects of R1 Development is the Druzhba industrial park network.
Dear readers! We present to your attention the final issue of the LOGISTICS journal in 2024. We have tried to make it rich and interesting. Today, many Russian companies operate under strict sanctions restrictions, which force them to reorient logistics flows. One of the possible solutions to this problem may be the Russia – Mongolia – China economic corridor. Details can be found in the article by Alexandra Kazunina.
Transport is the engine of any economy. Its condition influences the acceleration or deceleration of the development of the country, it can be a driver or a brake on the development of the economy and affects the functioning of any region. The territory of Russia is separated by 9 time zones, so the transport condition is of particular importance for the country. Many problems of the country are connected with the uneven development of the transport infrastructure, in recent years the lag in the application of modern transport technologies has been added to them. All these issues are covered in the third issue of the journal.
Readers will get interested in the articles by Dmitry Efimenko and Vasily Demin, "Logistics Development in Russia: Current Situation, Forecast, Key Challenges and Priorities of Companies" – research findings” and by Dmitry Stapran "What do logistics operators outsource?"
The group of articles is devoted to the development of ports and port technologies. The article by Anna Sinitsyna “Port of Sabetta ‒ infrastructure project in the Russian Arctic” examines the opportunities to develop and improve the transport infrastructure of the Arctic territories of Russia and the Northern Sea Route. Yury Chizhkov in his article "Transport Provision Problems in the Arctic Regions of the Russian Federation" considers similar problems. The author gives a brief description of the current state of the Arctic transport system, determines the most acute problems of transport provision in the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation, and shows possible ways to improve the current situation.
The article by Andrey Stepanov and Oleg Verbilo "Development of Ports and Container Terminals" deals with the evolution of handling the general cargo in seaports, starting from the usual transshipment point for processing break-bulk cargo to complex processing of containers. The influence of the capacity of each element on the total capacity of the port has been shown, operations, which it is advisable to take out beyond the port, have been singled out.
Modern technologies in transport logistics, which become an integral part of modern life, are described in the articles "Online Services in Transport Logistics: the Interaction of Drivers and Dispatchers at a New Level" and "Innovative Shuttle Technology". Professionals will find here a lot of useful information in terms of optimizing the logistics processes of their business.
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