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Orientir, one of the largest industrial real estate developer companies, announced plans to finish the construction of speculative storage facilities in the Park "Orientir Sever-4", in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region.
The first facility of the park, a multi-temperature distribution complex with an area of more than 40,000 square meters, was custom-built for X5 Retail Group under an agreement signed by both companies in June 2020. The commissioning of a second warehouse with an area of 20,000 square meters in this park is planned for the end of June 2021. The third warehouse facility with an area of 40,000 square meters will be completed at the end of 2021.
These facilities are cross-docking warehouses equipped with contemporary office and household premises with fine finishing. The area and space of the premises will allow to efficiently handle a wide variety of goods. Furthermore, the industrial park "Sever-4" is uniquely located at the intersection of four federal highways: 5 km to the M10 highway, 1.5 km to the Central Ring Road and the M11 highway and 35 km to the Moscow Ring Road. This location provides additional opportunities for building effective logistics processes and increasing the delivery speed, which is essential parameter for the quality of customer service.
“Our decision to return to the speculative construction is based on favorable market conditions. Firstly, we are now witnessing an extremely low vacancy in the segment of commercial real estate, which is 2-3% according to experts, in which the proportion of speculative new construction is even smaller. Secondly, there is an ongoing steady demand for new modern warehouses against the background of the e-commerce market development and the transition of traditional retailers to online.
Taking these trends into account, rental rates, which have already overstepped 4,000 rubles per square meter of dry warehouse, will only increase. We estimate that this growth will continue in the range of 5-10% in 2021,” said Andrey Postnikov, CEO of the company Orientir.