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Дорогие читатели! Представляем вашему вниманию 11-й номер журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА», где вы найдете актуальные материалы и статьи.
Yulia Kislova, Director of the "Market Guide Agency ", PhD of Economics, spoke at the Gaidar Forum 2017 on the topic "Development of methodology for assessing the tourist flows to the territory of Moscow and contribution of tourism to the GRP" in the framework of the expert discussion on the theme "Tourism. Economics. Education".
In her report, Yulia Kislova identified and substantiated the mechanism of calculating the tourist flow to the territory of Moscow, and assessed the contribution of tourism industry into the GRP. The author examined methodological approaches to the assessment of the total tourist flow into the territory of Moscow and to the calculations of tourist flow in the territory of the city. The audience was given a comparison of the volume of tourist flow to Moscow, calculated by different methods according to the data for 2015. Emphasis was placed on the method of assessing the contribution of the tourism industry into the GRP of Moscow, the recommendations concerning the main directions of development of methodology for assessing tourist flows were given.
The report made by Yu Kislova aroused great interest among the representatives of business and public authorities; Alexei Konyushnikov, Elena Yufereva, Leonid Marmer, Alexander Lvov, Sergei Shpilko showed a special interest in the report. The report received enthusiastic approval of the scientists: Elena Dzhandzhugazova, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Chair of Hotel and Tourism business at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Anna Alexandrova, Doctor of Geography, Professor of the Chair of Recreation Geography and Tourism at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Olga Pirogova, Doctor of Education, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of International Tourism, Sports and Hotel business at Finance University, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Tatiana Kazenina, PhD of Geography.
You can get acquainted with the methodology in detail in No. 12 of the "LOGISTICS" journal of the year 2016.