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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
In recent years Agility Area East Europe has proved itself as the strong player at Project logistics market. Agility has been actively leveling its position between project logistics and general cargo services. The feedback is already visible. Agility significantly expanded the list of clients interested in general cargo transportation. Now the company fully corresponds to the global stature of Agility group. The strategy assumes that the particular emphasis is placed on improving the operational quality, expanding the range of services and applying innovation technologies besides extension of clients’ portfolio. Maxim Stepanov, new Vice-President has been appointed to execute these plans.
Before joining Agility Maxim Stepanov worked as the Branch Manager Kuehne+Nagel St.Petersburg and was in charge of all transport services, warehouse logistics, customs clearance and project cargos. Maxim has MBA degree in Logistics & Supply chain (Lomonosov MSU Business School) and degree of PhD of Legal Science.
Maxim Stepanov’s primary goal is to make Agility one of the top leaders at 3PL market in Russia and CIS countries: “Agility has solid experience at the international market in projects and general cargo as well. The target is now to develop our experience in Russia by expanding the number of services, gaining new experiences, increasing the contractors’ portfolio and improving the operational quality”, Maxim says. It’s important to note that the company is planning not only to develop general cargo delivery services but also to boost the project business.
“There are not so many international companies at 3PL market that comply with the worldwide quality standards and can afford to provide their services in mid-price segment. Therefore, it’s a free niche for us to occupy in the nearest future”, say Maxim Stepanov