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During these two days of the forum, the round tables, discussion groups, talks B2G B2B, press conferences and exhibition projects were organized.
The National Coordination Center for Developing Economic Cooperation with the Countries of Asia-Pacific Region (NCC APR) co-organized a special session on the topic “One Belt One Road: Prospects for Business”
One of the key events of the first day of the Russian-Asian International Business Forum was aimed to increase the awareness about the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Eurasian Economic Union. To support the implementation of this initiative - the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce (SRCIC) was established in conjunction with the Forum.
The participants discussed the business opportunities of new Silk Road in the 21st century as well as the conjunction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
The session started with the speeches by Founding chairman of the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce Lu Jianzhong and Vladimir Padalko, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
The heads of the leading Russian companies operating in the Asia-Pacific region and business associations shared their ` experience of participating in the EAEU - One Belt One Road with the participants.
At the press conference Chairman of the Silk Road (SRCIC) of the International Chamber of Commerce, said to the representatives of the world's media that Russia plans to establish a Fund in order to finance projects in the Russian Federation.
Besides that an Agreement between the International Chamber of Commerce and the Center for the Silk Road Investment, Technology and Trade of the Framework on the establishment of a joint platform of the International Chamber of Commerce, the Silk Road (SRCIC) was signed by Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce of the Silk Road (SRCIC) Li Zhonghai and President of the Center for Investment, Technology and Trade Peter Panov.
On the first day of the forum a round table discussion on "E-trade between Russia and the countries of Southeast Asia: a positive experience and barriers" was held. This was co-organized by the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms. Plenary Sessions, i.e. "Drivers of growth of investment regions of Russia" and the round table on "Legal aspects of international cooperation. Risk management. " were organized.
On the second day round table discussions on the "Export of Russian products in China", "Logistics and transport", "International franchising as a development strategy in foreign markets", "Land, construction and real estate" were held . With the support of Soyuzlegproma a discussion on "National light industry in the new economic conditions. Current status and prospects ". Co-organizer of the section "Tourism" by the Association "The World without Borders" was undertaken.
The forum was attended by over 700 participants from Asia and the CIS countries, including representatives of the Russian and foreign business, politicians, experts, public figures, heads of branch unions and associations, representatives of the media.