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“TransitKazakhstan” industry event, dedicated to one of the most important sectors of the country - Logistics and Transport, will be held from October 4 to 6 at: Pavilion 11, “Atakent” KBCC, Almaty. This year Kazakhstan International Exhibition “Transport and Logistics” - TransitKazakhstan will celebrate its 20th anniversary.
In the framework of TransitKazakhstan 2016 International Transport and Logistics Conference, which will focus on the development of transport infrastructure of Kazakhstan, cargo transportation and international cooperation, will be held.
International Transport and Logistics Conference will be held on October 4, 2016 at “Bakshasaray” Reception House and will bring together Kazakhstan and foreign heads of ministries, ports and terminals, railway operators, as well as representatives of the transport, logistics and freight forwarding companies and cargo owner companies on its platform.
“TransitKazakhstan is an important event for Kazakhstan’s transport industry, which is paid special attention by the government and parliament. In view of this, we are planning to allocate 3 trl. tenge of additional investments on the development of the transport industry in the next 10 years”, - said Asset Asavbayev, Chairman of the Transport Committee of the Ministry of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
130 largest companies from Belarus, Germany, Georgia, Kazakhstan, China, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, the USA, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Finland, France and Estonia took part in the exhibition last year. The companies as Kedentransservice, TransContainer, Estma Ltd., Klaipeda State Seaport Authority, INTERRAIL Kazakhstan, Altaivagon, STM, Transmashholding, Gomel Wagon Factory, TRANS GROUP SYSTEMS L.P and others have already confirmed their participation in TransitKazakhstan 2016.
Today, Kazakhstan pays great attention to the development of infrastructure projects, such as “Western Europe - Western China” International Transit Corridor. It is through this cargo transportation time from China to Europe can be reduced almost 3.5 times compared to sea lane, i.e, from 40 days in waterway up to 10 days in land. In the future road transport loads will keep increasing. During the period from January to December 2015 3,728.6 million tons of cargo were carried by Kazakhstan’s transport, the cargo turnover in this period amounted to 512.1 billion tkm.
Over the past eight years, the total cargo turnover of Kazakhstan increased by 1.5 times. While the turnover by road transport increased by 2.5 times. According to experts in 2016-2017 the growth in this sector is expected.
“Iteca”, “Atakent” and ITE Group Plc. are the organisers of TransitKazakhstan, which ensure the quality of the event. Also, the Exhibition will be supported by the Ministry of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “NC “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” JSC, the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan “KAZLOGISTICS”, "Kazakhstan Association of Carriers and Wagon Operators and the Association of National Freight Forwarders.