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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
February 1, 2016 the start of providing safe custody services at the new warehouse leased at Berezhki complex (Simferopolskoye Shosse, 20 km from MKAD)
- Territorial extension is a part of the Company’s long-term strategy, Alexander Budkin, Director General of RB logistics, says. - We understand that the warehouse’s optimal location may be a critical point for the business. South is increasingly in demand today, especially M2 Crimea highway. Now our customers have more choices.
Main characteristics of the new location are the following: A class warehouse, floor area - 7 000 m2, including a mezzanine of 800 sq.m , capacity - 12,000 pallet positions, net ceiling height – 12 m, safe floor load – over 8 tons per sq.m.
RB logistics also provides package safe custody services at 3 basic hi-tech warehouses - at Gorkovskoye Shosse (5 km from MKAD) and Nosovikhinskoye Shosse (7 km from MKAD).