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Дорогие читатели! Представляем вашему вниманию 11-й номер журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА», где вы найдете актуальные материалы и статьи.
28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
Valeriy Sergeevich Lukinskiy, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, addressed to Readers; he suggests comprehensive development of logistics and supply chain management as it is very important to win the competition in the difficult time of sanctions. According to V.S. Lukinskiy the "LOGISTICS" journal, including this issue, should become the moderator in solving this problem.
It will be interesting for Readers of the journal to learn about the Oriflame company, which has earned a well-deserved popularity in Russia. Will consumers continue to buy cosmetics during the crisis? How does the company hold a tender for the provision of logistics services? Darek Gradis, director of operations, logistics and customer service in Russia and Belarus in Oriflame company, will answer these questions in his interview.
Anastasia Ivanova and Victoria Borisova consider important aspects of procurement logistics in their article "On Management of Suppliers Relationships as a Way to Improve the Level of Logistics Service of Manufacturing Company's Suppliers". The article by Sergey Tolkachev and Irina Rachkowskaya is devoted to the problem of influence of neoindustrialization on changes in supply chain management. Also, Readers will get interested in the article by Vladimir Eskin, which mentions interesting facts about the influence of cross-functional coordination on the performance of enterprises.
Oleg Dunayev analyzes mechanisms of transition to a new model of economic growth in the article "The Russian-Chinese Logistics Platform: the Space for Network Cooperation". Readers are sure to pay much attention to the article by Leonid Kuznetsov "Formal Language of Logistics", those who are looking for new ways to identify the integral material-information and financial flow will get interested in the unique approach of the author.