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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
The Group is strengthening its air and sea freight activities with the acquisition, effective as of 15 October, of the Dutch company IJS Global.
Announced on 23 September 2015, the acquisition of IJS Global came into effect on 15 October with the transfer of 100% of its shares to GEFCO. Founded in 2005, IJS Global is a freight forwarding company specialized in the fields of air and sea. Its head office is located in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. It employees some 500 employees with a turnover of €160 million (2014).
A long-term growth strategy
For Luc Nadal, Chairman of the GEFCO Management Board, this acquisition "is fully in line with the Group's long-term growth strategy, supported by its international expansion and the diversification of its business areas". IJS Global thus bolsters the Group's network with its operational presence in 16 countries, particularly China, South-East Asia, Australia and the United States. The Dutch company also operates in numerous sectors: pharmaceutics, humanitarian action, high-tech products, oil & gas, aerospace and fashion. Expertise that enrich GEFCO's global logistics solutions to the benefit of its international customers.