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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
Van der Vlist have recently completed a challenging task of moving a 97m high windmill in sections through their terminal in Moerdijk.
Whilst wind energy transports are a regular occurrence for Van der Vlist, the arrangements are impressive nonetheless. The tower was barged in to
Van der Vlist’s terminal in Moerdijk in 26 separate concrete parts. The largest section was 485cm x 485cm x 387 cm at 39.5 tonnes, and the smallest 316cm x 316cm x 387 cm and 27.7 tonnes.
The sections were lifted on quay by Van der Vlist’s mobile crane onto their trucks over a period of a week, to be taken to Neer, close to the German border where the tower was being constructed.
A week after delivery, the transport of the 11 ton blades, 35 ton nacelle and 67 ton generator were all arranged from factories in Germany direct to the site.