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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
The Saratov region is characterized by a great potential for the development of transport and logistics complex. Two international transport corridors (“North-South” and “East-West”) pass through the territory of the region and form a multi-modal transport hub. There are major federal highways that connect the region with northern and central Russian regions, with Lower Volga region, Kazakhstan and Central Asian republics.
According to the data of Saratovstat (Saratov Statistic Agency), in 2014 on the territory of the Saratov Region all modes of transport (excluding pipeline) transported 43.4 million tons of cargoes; this figure is 2.5% below the level of 2013. In general, the volume of freight traffic of the Saratov region has increased by 9.2% during the post-crisis period (2009-2014), the positive trend being observed until 2012 (growth was 18.8%), since 2013 the volume of freight traffic has been reduced. The decline in freight traffic in 2013 – 2014 is typical for all modes of transport (except for air transport), the growth of cargo transportation being 6.5% in 2014. (Figure 1)