Дорогие читатели! Представляем вашему вниманию первый номер журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА» в 2025 г. Прежде всего хотим обратить внимание читателей на нашего нового партнера R1 Development – девелоперскую компанию, которая создает среду нового поколения и специализируется на строительстве индустриально-логистической, коммерческой и жилой недвижимости. Один из проектов R1 Development – сеть индустриальных парков «Дружба».
Дорогие читатели! Представляем вашему вниманию заключительный номер журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА» в 2024 г. Мы постарались сделать его насыщенным и интересным.
Дорогие читатели! Представляем вашему вниманию 11-й номер журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА», где вы найдете актуальные материалы и статьи.
Dear readers! We are pleased to inform you that since January 2022, scientific articles published in the journal "LOGISTICS" are assigned digital identifiers of objects – DOI. Thus, our publishing house tries to meet global standards and make articles visible to scientists around the world.
The second issue still contains many materials devoted to market analysis. Zakhar Valkov, Executive Director of Radius Group, informs in his article about the forecast concerning the changes in the warehouse real estate market in 2022. He also underlines why it is not advisable to expect the sublease trend.
You will be interested in the review made by Ekaterina Agapova, the Head of the Operational Marketing department of PGK. The expert talks about the results the 4th quarter of 2021 in the railway industry, and gives a forecast for the 1st quarter of 2022. As part of the market analysis section, Pavel Prytkin and Anna Kurbatova describe the modern outsourcing market of logistics enterprise functions, assessing the advantages and risks of outsourcing for a modern logistics enterprise. Mikhail Kovalev analyzes the Lithuanian gap in the supply chains of potash fertilizers, substantiates the importance of reliability and adaptability of supply chains, considers the options for their restoration.
Olga Trofimtseva describes the methods and features of transporting agricultural raw materials and processed products from the Siberian Federal District to foreign consumers, identifying the problems of existing logistics schemes and emphasizing the urgency of continuing the search for new logistics solutions.
Dear readers, our dear partners! We are always open for cooperation and discussion of new topics. We are waiting for your suggestions at the following addresses: editor@mg-agency.com, comers@mg-agency.com