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28 ноября в Москве в отеле «Золотое кольцо» прошел XI форум «Склады России: итоги года!».
The global crisis continued affecting the oil market and the economy worldwide, says the stevedore. Last year, dark oil products accounted for the bulk of POT’s turnover – 5.8 million tonnes, 3.6% more than in 2020. Handling of light oil products including kerosene totaled 3.2 million tonnes, 12.5% less, year-on-year.
“Last year, the coronavirus still had a profound effect on the world – new variants appeared and methods to fight the pandemic toughened. At the same time, the year of 2021 saw a favorable situation with the oil market having acquired a recovery momentum, the number of lockdowns decreased, active vaccination let people intensify their movements between the countries. Those factors let POT come close to the record-high results of 2020 when the terminal handled 9.2 million tonnes. Well-coordinated work of POT and other market players played an essential role as well as carefully developed logistics and optimization of all production processes throughout the entire technological chain of oil products transshipment, — says Mikhail Skigin (Chairman of POT BoD). — For 2022, we forecast certain reduction of handling volumes with the further decrease of the demand for dark oil products. There are high chances of its impact on POT results although the terminal will continue handling essential volumes of this cargo. Perhaps, we will manage to replace part of those volumes will light oil products”.
In 2022, POT will continue modernization of its ‘old’ part which was officially kicked off in September 2021 in with personal participation of Saint-Petersburg Governor Aleksandr Beglov. Obsolete storage facilities will be replaced with a modern complex for transshipment of oil products. The project implementation will generate new jobs of high qualification, let increase of tax revenues and ensure improvement of the port’s environmental safety with double-wall tank technology virtually eliminating the risk of oil spills. In 2021, POT was given a status of a strategic investor into the city economy which confirms high interest of the city in this project.