Дорогие читатели! Представляем вашему вниманию второй номер журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА» за 2025 г. Наша редакция, как и все наши коллеги, готовится к выставке TransRussia 2025 – крупнейшему мероприятию отрасли. В этом выпуске мы подготовили интервью с директором TransRussia Натальей Ломуновой, с которой беседуем о гибком подходе, новых участниках и цифровых сервисах.
Дорогие читатели! Представляем вашему вниманию первый номер журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА» в 2025 г. Прежде всего хотим обратить внимание читателей на нашего нового партнера R1 Development – девелоперскую компанию, которая создает среду нового поколения и специализируется на строительстве индустриально-логистической, коммерческой и жилой недвижимости. Один из проектов R1 Development – сеть индустриальных парков «Дружба».
Дорогие читатели! Представляем вашему вниманию заключительный номер журнала «ЛОГИСТИКА» в 2024 г. Мы постарались сделать его насыщенным и интересным.
Dear readers! Now you see the fourth issue of the “LOGISTICS” journal of 2020. Under conditions of overall self-isolation caused by a new coronavirus infection, when companies are forced to switch to a remote format of work, information technologies are of particular importance. They open up new opportunities for business development. It is the Major Cargo Service and VSK Insurance House companies that set such an example by means of their joint project, adapting to the rapidly transforming market.
You will get interested in the article by Ilya Yeletski, Logistics Director at Coca-Cola HBC Russia, which continues the theme of modern solutions and dwells about how one of the most famous beverage manufacturers in Russia builds its logistics to deliver orders day to day.
Our authors Kirill Tolmachev and Alexander Volochkov present the schemes and algorithms for automatic sorting at the warehouse. These schemes and algorithms will help make a rational choice of the number of sorter channels when organizing the work of the distribution center.
In this issue, we consider the role of digital labelling to ensure the traceability of supply chains. Igor Sergeyev, the author of the article, analyzes the trends to improve labeling systems in the in the context of digitalization, considers the business case of building a digital monitoring and labeling system for food products.
We are convinced that you are sure to pay your attention to other useful materials that we have prepared especially for you, our dear readers.
We would like to remind you that the scientific and practical journal "LOGISTICS" is presented at all important events of the industry and is open to cooperation. We are waiting for interesting topics and new offers from you. To stay in touch, join our group in the FB: www.facebook.com/logisticsjournal We will be happy to meet you on the pages of the “LOGISTICS” journal!
Please note that you will see the printed version of the issue after the end of the restrictive measures introduced by the government regarding the new coronavirus infection. Stay at home, dear readers!