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Last week in St. Petersburg, two stolen cars were found through the use of satellite system. The car thieves had popular models of Mazda 3 and Toyota Camry as their targets.
On Friday, November 6, members of the rapid response group of "Caesar Satellite" found Mazda 3 stolen at night from the village of Shushary by the signal of the search head. Damage: lock cylinder of the driver's door cranked. Fake plates .
At the same parking Toyota Camry stolen on October 4, from Krzhizhanovsky str. was found. The car also had a fake plate and, VIN re-punched. In the car there were documents and car policy for the fake plate numbers.
Nikolai Belikov, sales director of Caesar Satellite: "The less time has passed since the car was stolen - the more chances there are to return the car to the owner. Satellite system coupled with search tracker gives results: both cars were found in less than a week's period".
According to experts, hijackers could make about one million rubles from selling those cars.