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CBRE acted as the advisor on sale of a Class A warehouse (the total area of 35,600 sq m) to create a complete logistics "hub" for SIBUR and Karl Schmidt Spedition GmbH & Co. KG (KSS). The new warehouse will be modernized and equipped by KSS to meet the needs of SIBUR, that will simultaneously store the goods from Zapsibneftekhim complex, including the goods from Tabolsk. CBRE’s market share in Russia in industrial and warehouse real estate lease and sale is about 30%.
Freight Village RU, the owner and operator of the container terminal located within the boundaries of the Industrial Park Vorsino in the Kaluga region in 67 km from the MKAD and 5 km from borders of New Moscow.
Following the transaction, SIBUR will have access to customers in the Moscow region, Central federal district, as well as the possibility of direct communication with Europe through the largest railway Bekasovo classification yard located in the South-West of Moscow Region.
SIBUR's products will be delivered from its production sites in dry bulk containers, a transportation method unique in Russia and more efficient compared to the conventional transportation in pallets, as it allows to transport more cargo and cut packaging costs. This will help optimise logistics by moving part of packaging operations from Tobolsk to the region of destination. SIBUR will use the hub to ship its products to the Central Federal District, while also considering the development of the rail transit corridor to East Europe. Container trains will arrive at the Freight Village Vorsino's rail terminal. Comprehensive hub-related services will be provided to SIBUR by KSS.
The amount of SIBUR's polymer products processed at the hub will be 500 ktpa. The hub has a design capacity of 670 ktpa that may be further expanded. The yard for 1,300 40-feet containers and the upgraded storage area will be able to accommodate over 40,000 tonnes of polymers, and ensure timely deliveries to buyers.
KSS's investments in the project will exceed RUB2 bln, net of VAT equivalent to a value of approx. €32 mln.